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15 sujets de 1,066 à 1,080 (sur un total de 6,700)
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  • en réponse à : dmx enttec #3482
    Maître des clés

    Directement non, mais via un petit patch Max par exemple (j’utilise personnellement la librairie imp.dmx pour Max), ça marche très bien !

    en réponse à : graphic problem #3483
    Maître des clés

    Field of view?

    en réponse à : Scripts #3487
    Maître des clés


    It’s the first time I am finding IanniX actually useable on Linux (tried it in the past but somehow could not get very far). I am now considering to use it to control certain robotic instruments. I would like to control IanniX’s behaviour through OSC from another application. Are the OSC messages documented somewhere? Or do I have to dig through the source code? In fact, I cannot find any documentation anywhere… There are other things I would like to play with, like circle diameter etc. I understand that some of these things can be controlled via JavaScript but, again, is the API documented somewhere?
    Thanks for any pointers.

    en réponse à : Feedback #3488
    Jacques Hoepffner
    Maître des clés

    I am working on a patch in Isadora, I search a list with the different incoming osc messages, I have an old « la kitchen » tutorial with some osc command, many are obsolete and there is few, Where can I find it?
    I search principaly to start/stop a specific cursor, change the speed of a specific cursor.
    Thank you in advance.
    Jacques Hoepffner

    en réponse à : OSC documentation? #3489
    Maître des clés

    Hi! To have OSC messages, just open the Helper window and make stuff in GUI. It will show you how to make it through OSC.

    en réponse à : list of incoming OSC #3490
    Maître des clés

    Hi! To have OSC messages, just open the Helper window and make stuff in GUI. It will show you how to make it through OSC.

    en réponse à : Bugs #3491
    Yann Collette
    Maître des clés


    I use the current git master and I compile it under fedora 20 64 bits.
    Iannix hangs at startup.
    I managed to locate the problem: it’s in gui/uiview.cpp.
    I commented a delete statement and now Iannix doesn’t hangs anymore:
    $ git diff gui/uiview.cpp
    diff –git a/gui/uiview.cpp b/gui/uiview.cpp
    index 2fe64cb..b32dece 100644
    — a/gui/uiview.cpp
    +++ b/gui/uiview.cpp
    @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ UiView::UiView(QWidget *parent) :
    connect(fullscreenDisplays, SIGNAL(screenCountChanged(int)), SLOT(fullscreenDisplaysCountChanged()));
    – delete ui->actionPerformance;
    + //delete ui->actionPerformance;

    en réponse à : Math art #3492
    Maître des clés

    Thank Jerome GB! Very cool shapes!
    It would be nice create a topic where we can share equations…

    en réponse à : Créer avec IanniX #3493
    homo faber
    Maître des clés

    Est-il possible de changer la couleur d’un trigger lorsque celui-ci envoie un message (noir par défaut) ?
    Exemple: lorsqu’un curseur déclenche un trigger

    Vive iannix !

    en réponse à : Math art #3494
    Jerome GB
    Maître des clés

    Unfortunately (for me…), I lost all my equations in a HD failure last month. I am on tour right now and not even sure I do have a back up. I still have some pictures of the equations from where I started but I’t all new material from now on.
    So it could be a nice for the topic, I’ll try to gather these images and start the topic from there.

    en réponse à : couleur trigger #3495
    Maître des clés

    Bonjour !
    La couleur du trigger est obligatoirement celle du curseur qui le percute. Donc si le curseur est vert, le trigger sera vert quand il est sera triggé.

    en réponse à : Iannix hangs under fedora 20 64 bits #3496
    Maître des clés

    Fixed! Thanks a lot!

    en réponse à : Crash with ubuntu 12.04 #3497
    Maître des clés


    I’m running into the same trouble on Linux Mint 14

    uname -a 
    Linux xmg 3.13.0-44-generic #73-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 16 00:22:43 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    /dickefettedateien/audio-bin/IanniX$ ./IanniX.sh 
    cp: impossible de créer le fichier standard «/usr/share/applications/iannix.desktop»: Permission non accordée
    Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40806) with this library (version 0x40804)
    Aborted (core dumped)

    Could you post here the solution that was tweeted? Thx

    en réponse à : selecting objects in the score #3498
    Benjamin Weiss
    Maître des clés

    Hi Team,
    I am very happy to find more and more to realize with that wonderful software. Since a week I am working on an important project and now I have a quite « wired » problem. I am not able anymore to select an object with the curser like I am used to. I cant edit the output information anymore as well. That means the hand symbol keeps beeing a hand symbol and pressing shift does not make the differenz to the selection tool anymore. I downloaded an earlier version of Iannix and there the propblem doesn’t appear.

    Plase help so I can finish my work. That would be so wonderfull. Thank you..


    en réponse à : Créer avec IanniX #3499
    Maître des clés

    Cheers everyone,

    I’ve been trying to work through OpenMusic’s OMIannix library to make an OpenMusic patch to translate Midi files to Iannix scores. I’ve been walls and have had no results. Does anyone here have any experience with OMIannix? Thanks in advance.

    All the best,

15 sujets de 1,066 à 1,080 (sur un total de 6,700)

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