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15 sujets de 1,006 à 1,020 (sur un total de 6,676)
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  • en réponse à : Math art #3393
    Jerome GB
    Maître des clés

    Un projet appelé « Nodes », mais comme j’apprend lentement a utiliser javascript, je me bat un peu avec le code en ce moment.

    en réponse à : Midi output doesn't work #3394
    Chris McAvoy
    Maître des clés

    Wondering if this has been addressed? Would love to hook up Iannix to my external synth via Jack on Linux.

    en réponse à : Midi output doesn't work #3395
    Maître des clés

    It works on Linux for sure, but don’t know exactly the best practices to solve your problem…

    en réponse à : Bugs #3396
    Maître des clés


    Je cherche à déclancher une courbe avec un curseur à un moment précis (quand un autre curseur passe sur un trigger).
    J’ai édité le message du trigger avec « direct:// setSpeed <ID_DU_CURSEUR_QUI_DOIT_SE_DECLENCHER> 1 » et en
    mettant la vitesse du curseur à zero. Cela fonctionne à merveille.

    Malheureusement à chaque fois que je rebobinne ma séquence il reprend sa vitesse initialle et démarre au début, plus avec le trigger.
    Que dois-je faire ?

    Merci d’avance


    en réponse à : Feedback #3399
    Jeff Mills
    Maître des clés

    I’ve just tried several time to download and run version 0.9.15 on an iMac running OS X Mavericks 10.9.2. Each time I’ve gotten a message that the app is damaged and can’t be opened.

    Maître des clés


    Just to be sure, did you download the 64bits one? Is the DMG reported damaged or the APP?

    We’ll make several tests this morning (Paris time).

    Maître des clés

    I’ve disabled some GZIP compression while downloading. So if the bug was on DMG file, you can now download it again.

    en réponse à : Bugs #3407
    Maître des clés

    downlaoded latest Linux version of IanniX and both the executable and the IanniX.sh script will not launch in Mint 14
    I checked permissions on both executables and they are OK

    However, version [0.8.42 beta] *does* launch in Mint 14 without problem

    is this a known bug?

    thanks in advance

    en réponse à : IanniX doesn't launch on Mint 14 #3408
    Maître des clés

    the latest version that I was referring to in my previous post is the Linux IanniX 0.9.15 – 32 bit version

    en réponse à : IanniX doesn't launch on Mint 14 #3410
    Maître des clés


    Oooops we made a mistake in file naming ; 32bits and 64bits where switched. Files are now online, you can try downloading again the 32bits one, it should be good 🙂

    Thanks for this report.

    en réponse à : Bugs #3413
    Igor Molochevski
    Maître des clés

    Hello, I am having strange issue with Iannix on Mac Book Pro Retina 2014. I can not create high res image captures because Ianix States that my card is not supported. I tried to use both Descrete and Intel same problem. I am also having difficulty with syphon out. It is working but I am getting diagonal line in output, running over the frame. Has any one have had same issues?

    en réponse à : Issues with High Res Image Grabing and Syphon Out #3414
    Maître des clés


    For the first point, it is not graphical card but a bug in our code framework (named Qt). We’ll try to fix it.
    For the second point, please download again https://www.iannix.org/download/iannix_mac_64__0_9_16.dmg and try, I’ve only removed an OpenGL flag.

    Thanks for your feedback,

    en réponse à : Feedback #3420
    Benni Graf
    Maître des clés

    Hi everyone!

    I will use Iannix for the first time in a concert on monday and I have a request that came up during preparation: With ‘snap to grid’ turned on, there are many things which turn it back off again, like undo or hitting play or thelike. In my opinion, once turned on it should stay on until I turn it off again. Is that a bug or a feature? 😉

    Though thanks for the great piece of software which really makes sequencing/automation/ramping etc. way easier!

    Best, Benni.

    en réponse à : Snap-Setting should stick #3422
    Maître des clés


    Thanks for using IanniX 🙂 If you have some photos or video of your performance we’ll be glad to see them or/and (depending on your wishes) show them to the IanniX community.

    For sure it is a bug, I’ve never noticed it… I do not use a lot the snap-to-grid but rather the shortcut Command+Option or Ctrl+Alt that snaps-to-grid temporally.

    en réponse à : Midi output doesn't work #3424
    Celio Vasconcellos
    Maître des clés

    Hi all,

    I downloaded the last Iannix v. 0.9.16 along with the patches for Ableton Live working with MIDI. According to information in this patch, Ableton Live shoud show under Preferences/Midi Sync, MIdiPorts IN: from Iannix and OUT: To Iannix.
    Unfourtunately this not works for me now. I am using the following Sw configuration : Ableton Live v. 9.1 32-bit version, Windows 7.

    By the way I am wondering how MIDI can get running under Iannix without OSC-bridge.

    Thanks for any help

15 sujets de 1,006 à 1,020 (sur un total de 6,676)

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