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15 sujets de 916 à 930 (sur un total de 6,649)
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  • en réponse à : Scripts #3282
    Maître des clés

    Hi –
    I’m very new to this program, but I’d like to be able to translate incoming OSC messages into curve-drawing functions. I know how to format them coming out of another program, but I’m not sure how to format these sorts of messages within Iannix without an intermediary.

    Any suggestions?


    en réponse à : Créer avec IanniX #3283
    Maître des clés

    Hi there –

    I’m currently trying to generate curves and cursors with Max, but finding a strange behavior after my first curve/cursor.

    Here is the process:
    /add curve auto

    Then, a numbering convention: I generate a 1 and a 2.
    The 1 is sent to /setpos and /setsmoothpoint, both of which have random values for the XYZ positions.

    /add cursor auto

    Then /setcurve is set for 2 1, in accordance with the gui helper.

    So far so good. A curve with a cursor attached.

    I begin again, generate a new curve/cursor set for 4 3, as soon as I add the cursor, though, the first cursor/curve deselects.

    Subsequent iterations, 6 5, 8 7, 10 9 – all seem to work fine..

    Any thoughts on what is happening here?

    en réponse à : Max->OSC->IanniX Question #3284
    Maître des clés

    Hmmm, I have to test your example.

    BUT, you can simplify these ID thanks to « current » (last ID used or generated) and « lastCurve » (last curve ID used or generated) keyword.

    add curve auto
    setPos current x y z
    set………… current …………
    add cursor auto
    setCurve current lastCurve
    setSpeed current ………………


    en réponse à : Incoming OSC Messages #3285
    Maître des clés


    Before answering, where does your messages come from? Max, Puredata, sensors, OSC-app like OSCulator?

    en réponse à : Créer avec IanniX #3286
    Maître des clés

    Is there any documentation on how to use LeapMotion with Iannix? I saw the demo on Vimeo and was very impressed, but implementing it is unclear to me..

    en réponse à : Leap Motion #3287
    Maître des clés

    No 🙂 I used LeapOSC (https://github.com/odbol/LeapOSC) and this score :

    var curvePointIndex = 0, previousFinger = false, previousFingerCounter = 50;;
    function onIncomingMessage(protocol, host, port, destination, values) {
    	if(previousFingerCounter <= 0) {
    		if(previousFinger) {
    			if(curvePointIndex > 140) {
    				run("add cursor auto");
    				run("setCurve current lastCurve");
    				run("setPattern current 0 0 1 -1");
    				run("remove lastcurve");
    			previousFinger = false;
    			previousFingerCounter = 50;
    	if(destination.startsWith("/hand/0/direction")) {
    	else if(destination.startsWith("/hand/0/finger/0/pos")) {
    		if(!previousFinger) {
    			previousFinger = true;
    			curvePointIndex = 0;
    			run("add curve auto");
    			run("setColorHue current " + random(0, 255) + " 255 200 255");
    		previousFingerCounter = 50;
    		run("setSmoothPointAt current " + (curvePointIndex++) + " " +
    			map(values[0], -200,  200, -5, 5) + " " +
    			map(values[2],  100, -100, -5, 5) + " " + 
    			map(values[1],    0,  300, -5, 5));
    	else if(destination.startsWith("/hand/0/finger/4")) {
    		previousFinger = false;
    		previousFingerCounter = 50;
    en réponse à : Créer avec IanniX #3288
    Maître des clés

    Peut-on changer simplement la couleur de fond ?
    J’ai essayé en modifiant la couleur du « background » dans l’onglet « ressources » mais rien ne se passe.
    Merci d’avance.
    Et vive Iannix !

    en réponse à : couleur de fond #3289
    Maître des clés


    Selon le thème (couleur sombre ou clair), c’est dans « lighttheme_background » ou « darktheme_background » ! Vous étiez pas loin 🙂

    en réponse à : couleur de fond #3290
    Homo Faber
    Maître des clés

    C’est bon ! Merci !!!

    en réponse à : Créer avec IanniX #3291
    Maître des clés


    everything was working OK until all of a sudden i somehow cannot add triggers to my project which im working at the moment.

    When i click on the trigger, the mouse cursor shows a closed fist, which makes it impossible for me to add a trigger or curve to the graphic.

    Any help appreciated.


    en réponse à : Cannot add trigger anymore #3293
    Maître des clés

    Maybe you are in 3D Mode (where edition is not allowed). Try to double-clic with « Alt » pressed to reset camera view.

    en réponse à : Kinect #3294
    Maître des clés

    Is there any way I can hook up my built-in mac webcam?

    en réponse à : Kinect #3295
    Maître des clés

    Hmmm, what do you expect to do with the camera? IanniX is based on points/lines whereas camera is bitmap/pixels based. You may need another software to make a « conversion » or « interprétation » of camera flow. Isn’t it?

    en réponse à : Midi cc control with cursor_value #3296
    Maître des clés

    Hi there, I am trying to control an on screen mouse cursor and key presses via either OSC or MIDI with the aim of controlling a computer game with musical instruments and other HID devices. Would I be able to do that with this software or is the topic here about controlling MIDI with a cursor (ie. other way around)? Thanks.

    en réponse à : Vos projets #3297
    Antonio Ochoa
    Maître des clés

    This is my first sounds in Iannix. I use SunVox to render the sound. Thanks a lot for that amazing work!

15 sujets de 916 à 930 (sur un total de 6,649)

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