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15 sujets de 901 à 915 (sur un total de 6,614)
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  • en réponse à : Can't hear any sound #3267
    Maître des clés

    Perfect! I’m gonna try and link them up now!

    en réponse à : Can't hear any sound #3268
    Maître des clés

    By the way, does it work with Logic Pro or Reason?

    en réponse à : Can't hear any sound #3269
    Maître des clés

    I’m not the best guy in Logic but I remember it works because of MIDI support 🙂

    en réponse à : Can't hear any sound #3270
    Maître des clés

    Great! Thanks!

    en réponse à : Créer avec IanniX #3271
    Maître des clés

    is it possible to stop a cursor for a specified period of time along its track?

    en réponse à : Kinect #3272
    Maître des clés


    Can you please specify where to install Syphon?

    If I put the folder Syphon.framework in Library/Frameworks QT gives me the following error:

    IanniX-master/interfaces/interfacesyphon.mm:3: error: ‘Syphon/Syphon.h’ file not found
    #import <Syphon/Syphon.h>


    en réponse à : Kinect #3273
    Maître des clés

    I’m using QT Creator 5.1.1
    Downloaded Syphon from : http://syphon-framework.googlecode.com/files/Syphon%20SDK%20Public%20Beta%202.zip

    When I use this Syphon version : http://github.com/Syphon/Syphon-Framework and put it in the project folder (as Syphon/Syphon.h)
    I get the following errors in QT :

    en réponse à : Wanted! #3274
    Maître des clés

    Hi its me again.

    I was wondering how to establish the pitches and timbres of each trigger. Listening to the examples in IanniX I noticed that the sounds are not random, but I can’t manage to find the way to get the triggers to produce the sounds I want.

    Thanks so much!

    en réponse à : stopping a cursor in its tracks. #3275
    Maître des clés

    Sorry, not possible.
    You may use a trigger that sends to IanniX : stop this cursor (aka a trigger message with direct:// setSpeedF <ID> 0 message)

    en réponse à : Kinect #3276
    Maître des clés


    You need to follow Syphon Readme that says you have to copy the framework in the standard framework folder (depending on Mac OS version, it’s /Library/Framework or something like that)

    en réponse à : Trigger pitches and timbre #3277
    Maître des clés


    One principle of IanniX is « graphical score ». Pitch, duration, velocity are parameters of graphical position of the triggers (but you can configure that of course). Try first to move triggers or double-clic on it to discover more about IanniX philosophy 🙂

    en réponse à : My first song ! #3278
    Homo Faber
    Maître des clés

    I used iannix to send osc messages at ableton live 9.
    I converted osc to midi messages with a little max for live patch.
    And I used « analog instrument » with some audio effects.

    My iannix score is not very interested. I have only 4 circles and 4 lines !

    This is an another song :

    For this song, I used the same iannix score but I changed my ableton live configuration (sample of a metal plate + orchestral brass instrument + audio effects).

    en réponse à : My first song ! #3279
    Homo Faber
    Maître des clés
    en réponse à : Trigger pitches and timbre #3280
    Maître des clés

    Thanks! That’s what I though, I just have to orientate myself round the grid now.
    Another thing, with the curves is it the same principle? Mine simply don’t produce sound and from watching videos of other peoples work I have seen this is possible. How do you get them to produce sound?
    Thank you for your patience. As you can tell this is all very new to me 🙁

    en réponse à : Trigger pitches and timbre #3281
    Maître des clés

    Yes same principles, but curves are not (by default) used with MIDI — only with OpenSoundControl (for software like Max, PureData…). So they just carry cursors for triggering!

15 sujets de 901 à 915 (sur un total de 6,614)

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