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15 sujets de 661 à 675 (sur un total de 6,614)
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  • en réponse à : Midi Help for Beginner #2839


    Are-you using Windows or Mac?

    In general, open an example (on the bottom-right of IannIX) with the word « MIDI ».

    Mac : no configuration, it works directly (for example with Garage Band or Live) because we take care of people who are not computer scientists :).

    Windows : OS designed for/by computer scientists ; you need to install « LoopBe » (cf. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=24) OR select in the network tab of the inspector « General MIDI » or « Wavetable » or something like that (depends on your soundcard)…

    en réponse à : iannix + Modul 8 #2660
    Maître des clés

    got to the same problem, I installed it, looked in, but cant figure out anything ( never used max msp or pure date software) so i probably need basic tutorial how to start to use software from 0, but would like to connect it with modul8 or live after…

    i.m googleing and searching for any kind of easy, step by step tutorial….. nothing….

    did you find something, could u share some links please?
    thanks l.

    en réponse à : Scripts #2283

    Hi everybody,

    Is there a simple way to rotate an object (square, triangle or anything else).
    I am trying to import svg files made in illustrator, and when importing, some are ok, and some are all upside down. So I would like to rotate 180° for the object is ok.
    Or maybe is there something I miss about importing svg file correctly. If someone has some trick about it…



    en réponse à : Bugs #2284


    i downloaded the window version from this site but i cannot unzip it and popup a window for the zip file not vaild. i tried download in mac and PC, it cannot open from both. is it only my problem?

    thank you

    en réponse à : MIDI connection with Logic Studio #2671

    I’m trying to use Iannix in Logic, but I cannot see the way to do it. I’ve watched the video but I do not see how connect Iannix to Logic so that it sounds and I can record it. Maybe I’m missing something but I do not know what.
    Thanks in advance for your answers

    en réponse à : about the window version download #2842

    Hmm strange, I’ve just make the test and it works both on Mac and Windows… What is your web browser?

    en réponse à : MIDI connection with Logic Studio #2672

    Hi again!!!!
    I have found the answer. Obviously, just opening Logic and loading the « simple MIDI example ».
    Best wishes

    en réponse à : Feedback #2285

    I’m new into Xenakis. I’ve tried using the « Simple Midi Example » and it works ok with Logic and Garage Band. I can change the sounds according to any Logic / GB instrument and I can record the sounds.
    However, now I would like to start a new MIDI project from scratch. I would like to draw my own curves and add my triggers and make them sound and record them in Logic or Garage Band.
    Is that possible? I’ve been trying to do it but I haven’t found the way or any information about this.
    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    en réponse à : about the window version download #2843

    sorry for the late reply
    i am using chorme for downloading and my friend to download again and it can be open
    i am not sure what’s going on
    But finally got it thank you and sorry for that

    en réponse à : Scripts #2286

    I scripted a very simple linear envelope sequencer to drive a Max/MSP patch and would like to be able to lock some parts so I’m not able to change them while editing, I would also like to be able to constrain a curve in a predefined rectangle… Is there a way to do that?
    All the best,

    here’s my current code :

    function onConfigure() {
    ask("Enveloppes", "Nombre", "qEnv", 6);
    ask("Enveloppes", "Durée (s)", "dur", 60);
    ask("Nom du Groupe", "nom", "grpName", "Seq-1");

    function onCreate() {
    for(var index = 0 ; index < qEnv ; index++){
    addPlayer(index, dur, grpName);
    addEnvCurve(index, dur, grpName);

    function addPlayer(index, dur, grpName) {
    var startyTop = index*5 + 2;
    var endyBottom = index*5 - 2;

    run("add curve auto");
    run("setPointAt current 0 0 " + index*5 + " 0");
    run("setPointAt current 1 " + dur + " " + index*5 + " 0");
    run("setPointAt current 2 " + dur + " " + startyTop + " 0");
    run("setPointAt current 3 " + dur + " " + endyBottom + " 0");
    run("setGroup current "+ grpName);

    run("add cursor auto")
    run("setWidth current 4");
    run("setCurve current lastCurve");
    run("setSpeed current 1");
    run("setPattern current 0 0 1 0");
    run("setMessage current 20, osc://ip_out:57120/cursor collision_curve_label collision_value_y");
    run("setGroup current "+ grpName);

    function addEnvCurve(index, dur, grpName) {
    var endyBottom = index*5 - 2;
    var label = index+1;

    run("add curve auto");
    run("setPointAt current 0 0 " + endyBottom + " 0");
    run("setPointAt current 1 " + dur + " " + endyBottom + " 0");
    run("setColor current 85 255 127 255");
    run("setLabel current Env"+ label);
    run("setGroup current "+ grpName);
    en réponse à : Is there a way to lock and constrain objects? #2844

    Not yet possible, but good idea for future versions!

    en réponse à : Is there a way to lock and constrain objects? #2845

    Ok, nice! Thanks for your quick reply, I’ll stay tuned.
    By the way, I discover IanniX since this morning, really a cool piece of software, congratulations!
    Bonne journée,

    en réponse à : Bugs #2287
    Maître des clés


    i have problems running Iannix 0.8.43 under Windows 8.
    Windows Smartscreen first blocked Iannix: « Could be a possible risk. »
    If I choose « continue anyway » Iannix shows the startup splash screen and a load cursor but doesn’t come up.
    If i click on splash screen, windows tells me that the program doesn’t respond.

    Thanks in advance.

    en réponse à : Is there a way to lock and constrain objects? #2846

    Merci !

    en réponse à : Windows 8 startup problem #2847


    We didn’t test at all on Windows 8. I’m going to get a licence and test!

    Stay tuned!

15 sujets de 661 à 675 (sur un total de 6,614)

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