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15 sujets de 406 à 420 (sur un total de 6,746)
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  • en réponse à : Bugs #2220

    RtMidiOut::sendMessage: error sending MIDI message.
    Win7. I cant get sound at all. I try with Max. First launch simple midi example preset i can control iannix speed on Max, but is no sound. Then i saw that error and next attempts to control anything on Max were failed. So i see this report now and reinstalls doesnt help.
    ok i read about MIDI Yoke and install it. Ok -same result. In sent messages window MIDI Yoke outputs available, but same error. How can i choose midi output for iannix? Well i would see manual for stupids, tnx 😎

    en réponse à : Vos projets #2219

    Hi All,

    I’ve been playing with Iannix over the weekend and I’ve been putting together a Granular Synthesis patch in Pure Data that I thought I’d share. It’s still very much a work in progress and I’m afraid there’s not much in the way of documentation (nil to be precise) but hopefully it might interest some people.

    All the files can be found in the repository on GitHub. There’s an example score included as well.

    The idea is that there are 16 (can easily be more) grains which can be individually or collectivly triggered, modified, panned and manipulated via OSC. It’s also got the ability to load a selection of samples from a folder and flip between these quite easily (thanks to the rjlib pd abstractions)

    Like I said, this is still being worked on quite heavily and may be much more usable in a weeks time but it may prove useful and interesting to some.


    EDIT: I’ve actually sat down for the half hour necessary to write up some basic documentation. Should give most people what they need to get going with it.

    en réponse à : Créer avec IanniX #2221

    Dear All,
    is there a way to send from IanniX the value of time, the ‘absolute’ time, i.e. the time as in transport bar?


    en réponse à : Bugs #2222

    Dear All,
    i read in documentation bug list:

    (in Linux) in fullscreen mode you have sometimes to click to use shortcut for transport (i.e play, stop, ecc)

    in fullscreen mouse is disabled

    And then how can i click? 🙂
    When in fullscreen i cannot use keyboard to control transport.
    Am i wrong?

    (using Ubuntu and IanniX 8.21)

    en réponse à : PureData Granular Synth for use with Iannix #2708

    Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to trying it.


    en réponse à : PureData Granular Synth for use with Iannix #2707

    Did some more work on it last night and had a go at creating a script to control a variable number of voices. worked out pretty well.

    I’ve realised that actually it would be pretty easy to change the oscillator type, say replacing the granular osc with an FM version instead. once I’ve gotten this version finished off i’ll have a go at making some other synths in the same vein.

    Personally I’m most interested in Iannix specifically as a way of controlling very large numbers of oscillators simultaneously so most of the synths i’ll build will be designed with that in mind.

    tonight i’ll try to get this finished up into something a bit more polished. might even get time to do a video up.

    en réponse à : Scripts #2223

    Hi All,

    Is there currently a way to send an OSC message from directly within a script?

    something along the lines of

    iannix.execute(sendMessage osc:// 1 2 3)

    I’m planning to write scores for synths I’m building in PD but I’d like to be able to send messages to set them up before the score starts playing. I guess that it would be possible to either add the messages to the transport or set up a trigger but that feels a bit inelegant for messages that I only want to send once.



    en réponse à : Sending OSC messages directly from scripts #2712

    i don’t know if this is what you mean, but i have experimented creation of a score sending
    OSC messages from a script (a Lua script). After that should be possible to start the score
    sending the message play (but to me don’t work yet, but others reported that work).
    It should be also possible to modify the score while is running (but i’m not an expert).


    en réponse à : iannix + Modul 8 #2659
    Maître des clés

    How do you connect Iannix to Modul8?

    I recently downloaded Iannix but I’m desperately looking for a tutorial, but right now even making the connection to modul8 would be awesome!

    en réponse à : midi example #2620
    Maître des clés

    got it working with LoopBe and script from here http://pastebin.com/pEta8Dzz

    en réponse à : Bugs #2202

    Hello All,
    I have try to manually set some texture and color at beginning of score but when i open this score in IanniX and change some others things and save the score in IanniX, the saved score delete my early editing (seems to rewrite the entire score, losing general texture and colors setting).


    en réponse à : Bugs #2224

    Host: Running on Windows 7 Home Premium
    Iannix version: 0.8.21 beta

    To duplicate:
    – Create a path (I used a single straight line)
    – Create a cursor on the path
    – Disable the cursor
    – Delete the OSC message string for the cursor
    – Re-enable the cursor
    – Start transport

    Result: Crash with message « VC++ Library: Application requested runtime to terminate it in an unusual way »

    This is repeatable on my system on two different scores I’ve tried it on.

    en réponse à : Smoothing a curve #2497

    Do you still need a way to smoothly connect Bezier curves?

    Here is an article on how to do this, along with open source code implementing it.


    I hope this helps.

    en réponse à : Feedback #2225

    Hi, I discovered Iannix a just few days ago and after playing with it and looking at the source code, I am very impressed with the direction the project is going and what you have accomplished so far!

    I had actually started into a similar software project myself that I have been prototyping in a combination of Processing and Supercollider. My work was inspired by Geomaestro which was written in Keykit by Stephane Rollandin:


    My goal is to update and extend its capabilities using today’s music software technologies.

    I have decided to put aside starting my own project and base my further work on Iannix. I will be happy to contribute to Iannis testing and development.

    In my project I was planning to include some Geomaestro capabilities that are not yet in Iannix. These included what were called in Geomaestro « distortion functions » that were Keykit scripts that could be applied to do real-time post-processing on the combined parameters of events coming from the score. A list of predefined distortion functions was also provided. Allowing user-scripting to post process score data allowed a very interesting deep level of user control. In Iannix I realize this might be done in the environment receiving OSC event data (e.g. in Supercollider or Max) but it seems more intuitive for this to be defined as part of the score. Were you were planning to allow Javascript post processing of events? If not I may be interested in looking into implementing this feature.

    Also, some useful of types of data that was available in Geomaestro from the running score is not available in Iannix. The most important are the distance of an event from the cursor and the pan angle to the event with respect to the direction of the direction of travel of the cursor. These allow the extraction of some interesting additional expressiveness from the score. I think this could be implemented in Iannix although there are some complications due to the multiple cursors in Iannix vs the single cursor in Geomaestro. I have some ideas on how to implement this in iannix and plan to look into this further.

    Again let me say that I’m delighted to have found Iannix and look forward to working with it.

    – Chris Graham

    en réponse à : Introduction #2715

    Keykit! That takes me back to my earliest days of working with MIDI and rack synths. Nice to see you here, and I look forward to your ideas, Chris.


15 sujets de 406 à 420 (sur un total de 6,746)

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