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  • en réponse à : Feedback #2178
    Maître des clés

    I noticed in the latest release, there’s an ableton example set included (thanks!!).
    I noticed in the midi in drop down menu of the 2 instruments provided in the example set,
    specifically in instrument track 2, that « iannix out – channel 2 » is selected.
    So, is there a way to get multiple midi channels out of ianniX ?
    the example set works perfectly, but there’s no midi data coming in from iannix out midi channel 2. boy that would be amazing!
    for now, nothing transmits on midi ch 2,
    only on iannix out channel 1.


    en réponse à : midi out channels ? #2545

    As far as I can tell, you can get any of the MIDI channels. I looked at the « Simple MIDI Example » script, and almost all of the MIDI events are on the first channel (‘0’ in the script, but MIDI-Ch1). The script has one lonely trigger on the second MIDI channel (which is ‘1’ in the script). This is the blue trigger on the outermost circle. That trigger never sends a note-off, however, because it has a TriggerOffTime of ‘0’. You might want to bump that up, maybe to one second, like all the other triggers. You can do that via the inspector or you can add a line to the script in the appropriate spot:

    iannix.execute("setTriggerOff current 1");

    This lonely note on Ch2 has a pitch value of 42, a double-low F-sharp. Depending on the instrument you have on that channel — unless it’s a piano or tuba, it might be hard to hear (or even out of range), so bumping that up two or three octaves might tell you more.


    en réponse à : IanniX 0.8.21 #2566

    Excellent, merci !!!

    en réponse à : Créer avec IanniX #2187

    Je voudrais travailler avec Puredata et Iannix.
    J’ai quelque difficulté à donner une position à mes déclencheur.
    Quel est le message que je dois envoyer en osc pour créer un déclencheur , sa position, sa couleur et sa valeur? vous auriez un exemple?
    Merci Bernard

    Traduit en anglais avec Google
    I would like to work with and Puredata Iannix.
    I find it difficult to provide a trigger to my position.
    What is the message I send osc to create a trigger, position, color and value? you have an example?
    thank you Bernard

    en réponse à : Créer une tigger par osc / Create a tigger by osc #2587

    J’ai trouvé une partie de la réponse
    dans puredata ça donne un message comme ceci
    « send /iannix/ setPos 1 2 3 0 »
    donc 1 = id du déclencheur 2=xPos 3=yPos 0=zPos
    Est ce correct?

    Mais comment créer le déclencheur et lui donner une position directement ?
    Bien à vous Bernard

    en réponse à : phpBB Themes #2568

    No problem — Like I wrote: only if you have time (I figured it was just a checkbox in the Admin Panel, but if you have to install stuff, really — don’t bother).


    en réponse à : Triggers fire incorrectly #2477

    Thanks Guillaume.

    en réponse à : A few questions #2528

    Ok guys, here is a short demo video on Vimeo. In a couple of days (after fixing some glaring mistakes in my programming) I will provide you the download links for all associated files (actually just a background image, a iannix script and the MaxForLive device) 😉


    From the designer perspective, it was fairly easy to group the cursors and the curves (circles) into groups inside my script. Afterwards, it is easy to ‘associate » triggers with the circles-cursors due to the cursor_id being sent by each trigger. In other words, as far as triggering goes, Im using each trigger’s cursor_id value to trigger corresponding notes, in a the fashion of « cursor_id (sent by trigger) -> bang -> specific midi note (the user can also define this through the « Notes settings » in my patch.
    So, targetting from MaxForLive the circles and the cursors (which remember have been script-created) is easy because they are grouped as soon as they are created (upon running the script). So its easy to affect their opacity or other properties by sending OSC messages to their groups from my M4L.

    Now, from the user’s perspective it would be cool if velocity and mute-unmute buttons could « affect » the triggers opacity associated with each circle and not just the circles and the cursors. For this to happen however, the designer must find a way to group the « user created triggers ». Since we dont know the id of a trigger untill it is created, how can we target it in a message created in M4L beforehand? Do I make any sense? lol

    FWIW, i tried a cunning way to solve this…..
    Lets say the user creates a trigger (remember, by user I mean that the trigge ris created by mouse, not script)…this trigger by default sends out its id and its cursor_id (amongst the rest of the values). I used the triggering itself to cause a message to be sent from M4L to Iannix which uses the transmitted trigger_id and groups it to the group « circleX » (where X= cursor_id)
    In other words, if we create a trigger by mouse, and it automatically gets the id 1009 and is triggered by cursor 4 then a message triggered IN M4L by the trigger does the job

    iannix/setGroup 1009 circle4

    My problem however was that each time the specific trigger is triggered, the message is being re-sent to Iannix causing havock.

    And here I need your help: im not good with programming and i was thinking of Javascript (in the form of a js object in Max). IF I could make a simple Javascript that could check an incoming variable against the previous incoming one and only « pass » a variable if it is found to be +1 from the previous I could solve this.
    Say if
    trigger_id = 1009 -> send the message: iannix/setGroup 1009 circle4 (or whatever the cursor_id is)
    if trigger_id = 1009 for a second time -> do nothing, wait for 1010 (in essence it will wait for the second trigger to be created from the user, so that it can be grouped)

    So what do you say? is it possible?


    en réponse à : Scripts #2188

    Can Iannix be sychronized remotly via simple Max/msp Messages ?

    or would this require a script of some kind

    for example

    A simple max4live patch sending start/stop messages , tempo info / subdivisions ect… via osc
    or midi without the need of further scripting

    I am going to try it out now , but any recomendation is appreciated 😉

    en réponse à : Remote synchronization #2589

    I mean obviously the tempo info is simple , but sending Start/Stop remotly is my question 😳

    en réponse à : Feedback #2186
    Maître des clés

    Hello, impressive sequencer!
    Is here possible to put different audio samples under IanniX triggers? What kind of audio source IanniX can play?

    en réponse à : Créer avec IanniX #2189

    I cannot seem to get any response in live coming out of the max4live device, not sure it is even recieving messages. this using the instructions on the other post, since I am a total newb, I have no idea

    en réponse à : A few questions #2522

    Cunning, maybe. Smart, creative, resourceful — for sure! I’ll bet Guillaume is hiding behind his workstation right now ginning up a more elaborate way to handle trigger groups! :–)

    @Softcore wrote:

    …My problem however was that each time the specific trigger is triggered, the message is being re-sent to Iannix causing havock.

    No problem: Max has some very idiomatic ways to handle that. This is a common problem. For example: You want to sequence MIDI note-off messages in a polyphonic context, so when you lift a key, you want to turn off that pitch, but only on the polyphonic voice that is most recently sounding it. So, the voice ID becomes the index with which to associate a note-off message.

    Yes, you could also use some js. Just do an associative array (dictionary) with the id as index. I personally prefer writing Java, js, or C over creating Max-patch spaghetti, but it’s good to become familiar with the builtins.

    For standard Max built-ins, have a look at [coll] and [funbuff] (I’m not sure, but I think one of the tutorials or examples shows those very same objects in a note-off application). In 3rd party externals, Peter Elsea’s LObjects are perfect for all kinds of list operations, index-object pairs, lookups, etc., types of things.


    en réponse à : sound source #2586

    There are many ways to play samples from an Iannix trigger, but Iannix alone makes no sounds and does not use audio directly. It sends out messages (MIDI, OSC…) and depends on other programs to generate the sound (see the ./Patches folder in the Iannix distribution). There are other threads in this forum that discuss using Max, Max-for-Live, Supercollider, and Pd with Iannix.


    en réponse à : Any body got max4live Windows working with this? #2595

    @sitarman wrote:

    I cannot seem to get any response in live coming out of the max4live device, not sure it is even recieving messages. this using the instructions on the other post, since I am a total newb, I have no idea

    Which other post?

    Are you using IanniX.als and « Simple MIDI example.nxscript« ?

    Are your MIDI ports named « iannix_out » (the input to M4L) and « iannix_in » (the output from M4L)?


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