timeline cursor

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  • #2147 Répondre

    hello there!

    For our project we are trying to create a normal timeline, where multiple curves are actually being controlled by one cursor. an illustration:

    maybe it is possible to control the position of the other cursors, with the x location of the timeline-cursor?

    would be a blast if this is easily possible 🙂


    #2402 Répondre

    Hi Charlie!

    Well, we thought about this case but it’s not so easy (what about polyphony, when there are multiple y positions for a given x-position?).
    But you can have a look at the example « Xenakis Metastaseis linear » that is very close to your question (thanks to the messages arguments collision_curve_id, collision_xPos, collision_yPos, collision_value_x and collision_value_y, cf documentation).

    Hope it can help you!

    #2403 Répondre

    thanks for the quick reply!

    the example shows indeed a single timeline cursor 🙂 but now the different curves have the same mapping (because of the single cursor). Is it possible with osc to control other cursors with a timeline cursor?

    cheers, charlie

    #2404 Répondre

    Well Charlie, it is not possible with this version. Cursors works with their progression on a curve (so with time), not with absolute x or y-position (because of conceptual problems like polyphony…).
    But if is juste a question of mapping, maybe you can make the mapping in your connected software, which are you using (Max, Pd, SC…)?

    #2405 Répondre

    i think that may be the answer for our problem :)! using one cursor with multiple curves, whose value then will be mapped into it’s right region 🙂 ! we are using processing (oscP5) for the visuals, and puredata for the audio.

    I haven’t splitted incoming osc messages yet in processing, but that wouldn’t be much of a problem I quess 🙂

    #2406 Répondre

    @charlie wrote:

    …I haven’t splitted incoming osc messages yet in processing, but that wouldn’t be much of a problem I quess 🙂

    Splitting and routing messages to select destinations is at the heart of OSC, and largely its raison d’être.


    #2407 Répondre

    hmm, we used a timeline cursor like in the example «  »Xenakis Metastaseis linear », but that delivered us two problems in a processing sketch who was recieving the information:


      for each curve collision, there is being send one message. This results in a sended sequence of: message1, message2, message3, message1, etc.

      is it possible to bundle these messages, and send only that one message accros the network? (for better synchronization)


      we were controlling the position of an ellipse in processing, while recieving the actual positions which were created with a curve. To our suprise the movement of the ellipse was quite ‘jerky’, and not so steady like it should be… Is this a problem of our network, or are we doing something wrong 🙂
    #2408 Répondre

    Hi Charlie!

    Sorry I don’t have a lot of time this week to answer you.

    1. well, in our todo list, this is included because we want to provide TUIO protocol that works with OSC-bundle. However, I don’t think it will be before 2/3 monthes…

    2. do you have more information about the « jerky » problem? Screenshots or more explanations?

    #2409 Répondre

    Hi, I have recently started working with Iannix, and I love it.
    I wonder if you could help me with this problem:

    is there a way to link the main time counter to the curve/cursor start?

    I understand the cursors are relative to the curves.
    and curve’s X positioning is just a spatial location (please correct me if I am wrong).

    If I could link the general time to cursors, to command them to start walking through the lines/curves, I could in fact use positioning of the lines/curves for 3D sound trajectories mapping in Ambisonics, which would be so exciting and finally the first platform to do it so nicely.

    Please let me know if you know a way to do that or
    if you have any thoughts or comments

    Thank you!

    #2410 Répondre

    Yes, you can start cursors at a specific timecode using « initial offset » parameter (1st parameter near « CURSORS OFFSET / BEGINS FROM »)
    If you specify a negative initial offset, cursor will start at the given time!

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