Slave IanniX to Host

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  • #2243 Répondre

    With the upcoming release feature-frozen I’ve started to think about future features.

    I’ve implemented an experimental feature to allow IanniX to be slaved to an external midi sequencer or video editor using MIDI Time Code and MIDI Clock. The master’s transport provides the time base and controls start, stop, rewind, etc.

    The IanniX user interface to enable or disable this is a button to the left of the transport slider (below the fps display) that brings up a menu where the sync type can be selected and in the case of midi clock, for the host tempo to be entered.

    While slaved IanniX plays scores normally. The IanniX time display updates normally but echos the master’s time. The start/stop transport control is locked.

    I have this fully working now with support of midi time code, midi clock and song position pointer. I’ve tested with Ableton Live for midi clock and with Numerology for MTC and it seems to work fine. These features should also allow control of IanniX with an external hardware sequencer.

    The menu (and internal design) also provide for an option for slaving to a host using Open Sound Control. However I’m not aware that there is a standard for messages for remote control over OSC, or if anyone would use this feature if I implemented it. Is anyone aware of this being implemented elsewhere and if so what is the message format?

    In the absence of an existing standard I propose to support OSC master-sync with a stream of messages to IanniX such as:




    – Chris

    #2752 Répondre

    Hi Chris,

    This sounds very cool, I’d like to test it with Ardour3. A3 supports OSC, MTC, and MIDI clock, as well as JACK sync of course. Do you maintain a repo anywhere or are you keeping the code close for now ?



    #2753 Répondre

    Hi Dave,

    I don’t have it on a public repo yet but if you can build it from source I can email you a zipped version of the complete source to build it build from.

    Is this on Linux? I currently have Mac and Win but not Linux so I have not tested it there. Would be good to know if there are any problems on Linux (should not be) and how it works with Ardour. If this works for you, send me your email at chrisgr99 at gmail dot com.

    – Chris

    #2754 Répondre

    Chris, this may be the closest to an emerging OSC standard:

    If I were writing some OSC client for downstream control, I’d consider this namespace.


    @codex99 wrote:

    …In the absence of an existing standard I propose to support OSC master-sync with a stream of messages to IanniX such as:




    – Chris

    #2755 Répondre

    Thanks Bob I’ll look into supporting it.

    – Chris

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