Setting up Iannix with Ableton Live ???

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  • #2150 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    Dear Community,
    It would be great with a walk trough, step by step, on how to configure iannix with ableton live, via max4live and CNMAT OSC. Who´s up for the tutorial ???

    All the best
    Carsten 🙂

    #2416 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    « If you have Max MSP, we provided you a patch that generate sound (/IanniX/Patches/maxmsp) which works with every exemple included with IanniX »
    ok I get this.

    But what if I want to control my VSTs (effects or instruments) ???
    I’ve been trying for some hours now to transfer the patch to maxforlive, but the poly object dosen’t work. What do I need to put instead to be able to control my own granular sample player and synths, and also some audio delay effects…via midi? how do I make this work ???



    #2417 Répondre

    I just visited your Soundcloud page and discovered a ton of very fine work!

    Off-topic, but couldn’t resist :–)


    #2418 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    Thanks Bob 🙂

    Do you by any chance work with Max 5 or Max for Live ?

    I’ve been trying to rework the Max patch that came with iannix, to fit with Max for Live, to be able to send midi numbers instead of frequencies, so I can control a VST or other synth on another midi track in ableton live, but I can’t get it to work. I guess my limited rusty knowledge of Max and OSC that is to blame… :-/

    anyone has inputs, they are very much appreciated 🙂
    check png attached of my desktop


    #2419 Répondre

    @MBD73 wrote:

    Do you by any chance work with Max 5 or Max for Live ?

    I flail with Max, and have no experience with M4L. But since M4L includes all the Max built-ins, I may have one helpful hint for you. Here’s a bit of IanniX’s example patch, with my little addition:

    The object [ftom], f-to-m (frequency-to-midi), may be what you want here. In this example, I run [ftom]’s output to a [numbox] set to display the midi (with C4 as center) value for the incoming freq values. I hope this helps.


    #2423 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    yes it works and I’m controlling my synths and effects now in ableton 🙂 very cool and fun… I’ve made a weird synthbass on a track with a stringquartet. I’ll make a tutorial and share my m4l patch soon to download.
    Best C

    #2424 Répondre

    Could you please post the edited patch?


    #2425 Répondre

    @AvantGuy wrote:

    @MBD73 wrote:

    Do you by any chance work with Max 5 or Max for Live ?

    I flail with Max, and have no experience with M4L. But since M4L includes all the Max built-ins, I may have one helpful hint for you. Here’s a bit of IanniX’s example patch, with my little addition:

    The object [ftom], f-to-m (frequency-to-midi), may be what you want here. In this example, I run [ftom]’s output to a [numbox] set to display the midi (with C4 as center) value for the incoming freq values. I hope this helps.


    Sorry.. I’m not a coder, but, I was able to hack out this mod.

    Now, can someone please tell me how I get the midi into Ableton Live from here?

    #2422 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    Dear everyone,
    OK, here’s the download link to the m4l patch iannixtomidi.amxd
    (you need to have a Maxforlive license to use it in ableton live)
    It is a simple but interesting way to create soundscapes, drones and various sick bass or sounddesign effects. There is still alot of possibilities in getting the real programming nerds to make a real interface to control various parametres via midilearn and other functions. I hope you get inspired to do so 🙂

    1. put the patch in the folder with maxforlive midi effects.
    2. open ableton live.
    2. drop the patch from the maxforlive midi effects folder, on a new midi track in ableton live
    3. make another midi track, and drop a synth (or effect) of your choice.
    4. assign midi from the iannixtomidi track, to the synth track.
    5. assign the midi in track, on the synth track, from the iannixtomidi track.
    6. click the monitor in, on the synth midi track.
    6. check that the velocity in the iannixtomidi patch is set to 127.
    7. open the program iannix.
    8. open any of the preset drawings in iannix.
    9. hit play in iannix in the transportbar.

    there should now be sound!

    10. play around with the « ms » in iannix the transportbar and the speed slider in forward and reverse direction.
    11. change the frequence spectrum in the zmap object (default; 20 2000) in the iannixtomidi patch.
    12. use some interesting synths and combine it with other effectsplugins on the synth track 🙂

    Make some soundpaintings and sculptures out there!
    And a big thank you to the iannix team for making such an amazing piece of graphical software for free!

    All the best
    Carsten 🙂

    #2426 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    and… don’t let the double posting of 2 and 6 confuse you 🙂 it went a little fast here!
    Best C

    #2427 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    And a screenshot of ableton, ianniX and M4L i action, and an additional link to where you can also download the patch at

    #2428 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    And a screenshot of ableton, ianniX and M4L i action, and an additional link to where you can also download the patch at

    #2429 Répondre

    A great post, Carsten! If I had M4L I’d definitely give this a shot. I hope it encourages more people to work with Iannix. Soon I plan to post a Max patch I’m working on (I’d like to also do a Pd version after that).

    I’d encourage anyone who has tried Iannix v.0.6 back in the day and who has not yet tried this new 0.8+ to jump in right now. It seems to be easier on CPU and is generally, in my opinion, much more modern and up to date in its design.

    And, every time I jump among the three platforms I’m still impressed and thankful how consistent it looks and runs on OSX – to – Linux – to – Windows. This is no small achievement.


    @MBD73 wrote:

    And a screenshot of ableton, ianniX and M4L i action, and an additional link to where you can also download the patch at

    #2421 Répondre

    Thanks for the m4l patch. You rock!

    Got it all up and working and made a video. 😮

    #2420 Répondre

    I enjoyed your video. What screencast software do you use on your Mac? I saw PSP Vintage Warmer sneak in there — I’m also a VW user.


    @hendersounds wrote:

    Thanks for the m4l patch. You rock!

    Got it all up and working and made a video. 😮

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