Same objects appear in list multiple times

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  • Ce sujet contient 3 réponses, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Anonyme, le il y a 13 années et 8 mois.
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  • #2163 Répondre

    I’ll put this under BUGS, but you may wish to consider it a current feature :–)

    Objects appear in the Object List Inspector multiple times. If objects in different scores have the same ID, they can appear simultaneously and appear to be duplicated. If your Current Project lists more than one score and you are not working on the first one that comes up when you load Iannix, you may have objects from multiple scores in the list. Furthermore, for every additional score that you choose to work with during a particular Iannix session, those scores’ objects will be added to the list and they will remain there. This can result in three, four, or more objects in the list with the same ID (if, for example, you’ve cloned several scores from a common prototype). If you’ve worked on more, those will be added to the list as well. This will also result in not seeing an object light up when you click it in the list because it is actually located in a score you’re not currently viewing.

    I strongly feel objects only for the current active score should appear in the list (same for groups, of course). Simply browsing through your scores will add objects to the list for any of the other scores and they will stay there until closing the current session of IanniX.


    #2485 Répondre

    Well, as you can see, the work with mutidocument/project management is not ended. We will improve that in further releases.

    #2487 Répondre

    …and I know this one is a big deal, engineering-wise. I don’t expect all of these improvements in a fortnight! :–)


    #2486 Répondre

    Yes, we have a big problem with ID’s and automatic attribution of ID. It is fixed in 0.8.21 version, but there are still display bugs (in lists — it’s not really bugs, it’s just messy information) when opening multiple scores.

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