Remote synchronization

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  • Ce sujet contient 4 réponses, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Anonyme, le il y a 13 années et 8 mois.
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  • #2188 Répondre

    Can Iannix be sychronized remotly via simple Max/msp Messages ?

    or would this require a script of some kind

    for example

    A simple max4live patch sending start/stop messages , tempo info / subdivisions ect… via osc
    or midi without the need of further scripting

    I am going to try it out now , but any recomendation is appreciated 😉

    #2589 Répondre

    I mean obviously the tempo info is simple , but sending Start/Stop remotly is my question 😳

    #2591 Répondre

    @ongo wrote:

    I mean obviously the tempo info is simple , but sending Start/Stop remotly is my question 😳

    START Timeline:


    STOP Timeline:


    START Individual cursor:

      /iannix/setSpeed id 1

    STOP Individual cursor:

      /iannix/setSpeed id 0

    REWIND the Timeline:


    N.B. Some of these are not documented, which means the Iannix Lords, like any authors with not-yet-documented APIs, could change the syntax at some point in the future.


    #2590 Répondre

    Nice one AvantGuy

    feel slightly silly now seeing how simple it is really !!!

    #2592 Répondre

    No reason to feel silly. I looked at the source code to get one or two of those :–)


    @ongo wrote:

    Nice one AvantGuy

    feel slightly silly now seeing how simple it is really !!!

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