Morphing curves

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  • Ce sujet contient 1 réponse, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Anonyme, le il y a 12 années et 5 mois.
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  • #2272 Répondre

    I’m new to Iannix and curious about the morphing function shown about 4:30 into this video:
    Was this done using scripts, or is there a built-in way to assign midi cc to various points?

    #2821 Répondre


    This was done using scripts using a build-in MIDI assignment. If you get the last version of IanniX, you can find the script used, it’s called « Performance – (a-z)² ».

    And in the next version of IanniX coming in a few days, script MIDI mapping will be better explained.

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