Midi controll change problems in Ableton live

Accueil Forums Bugs Midi controll change problems in Ableton live

  • Ce sujet contient 3 réponses, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Anonyme, le il y a 12 années.
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  • #2303 Répondre

    Hi everybody! I’m new with Iannix. I tried to use Iannix to control instruments in Ableton Live. Midi messages work fine for notes on/off but is a mess for CC-messages.
    I proceeded in the following way:
    First i assigned CC-adresses in Live in order to control the parameters of the instruments (cutoff e.g.)
    Second I wrote in Iannix the message type for each cursor(e.g. cc 1 2 cursor_valueX or similar) an d for each trigger(midi notes)
    Then I ran Iannix. Instruments in Live receive form Iannix, In the preferences I let Iannix remote control live)
    Result: Triggers send midi messages for notes, The cursors do their job worse. That is, sometimes it happens that messages are sent, most of the time controllers are dead.

    I would be glad if someone can suggest me some other method or if there is some bug report I didn’t hear of before

    #2885 Répondre


    Can you send me (guillaume@iannix.org) your IanniX score and your Ableton project to understand where is the bug please?


    #2886 Répondre

    Hi! I just sent you the project files by email!

    Looking forward

    #2887 Répondre

    Ok received and I have the bug. I’ll work on it today!

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