MIDI connection with Logic Studio

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  • Ce sujet contient 9 réponses, 5 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Anonyme, le il y a 12 années et 3 mois.
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  • #2209 Répondre

    like to tell you that the MIDI connection works like charm with Logic Studio
    without a blink of the eye 😀
    video of my first sound is loading up now to vimeo
    when it finished i’ll let you know

    #2666 Répondre

    video Circle One


    #2667 Répondre

    Great! We didn’t test IanniX with Logic… so now, I can see that it works perfectly 🙂

    Don’t hesitate to post us new videos (on the forum or on our Facebook page)!

    #2668 Répondre

    Hi, differentieel.
    I tryed connect Iannix with ableton, i achieved but not logic. how did you done this? i set midi, the two sequencer work together but no more midi informations are routed.
    And, is it possible to send information such automotions?

    #2669 Répondre

    hi Pyretux,

    sorry if i disappoint you if i say: it works ‘out of the box’ from the start
    reason why i work with Logic and not wit Ableton is just that point – apps and devices that or support MIDI or OCS are working without any problem and direct

    if routing is not working you might try Jack – this « the » router for sending signals from any source on your computer to another program – in your case Ableton (please google ‘Jack routing’)

    then the automation – Logic is the place i ‘automate’ – Logic allows me to ‘Learn’ buttons to automate from severval devices – i don’t know if Ableton has this ‘learning’ function – if this is the case it should be working directly – if not you might consider to switch to Logic – in our days this is not too difficult any more if you look at prices – oh yeah, you need to have a Mac 🙂

    #2670 Répondre

    Thank you for your reply, normally ableton works similarly to Logic MIDI Learning.
    But frequently I’m wrong with MIDI (and in english) 😳
    Thank you Jack, it will simplify my work. 😀
    I update you on progress

    #2671 Répondre

    I’m trying to use Iannix in Logic, but I cannot see the way to do it. I’ve watched the video but I do not see how connect Iannix to Logic so that it sounds and I can record it. Maybe I’m missing something but I do not know what.
    Thanks in advance for your answers

    #2672 Répondre

    Hi again!!!!
    I have found the answer. Obviously, just opening Logic and loading the « simple MIDI example ».
    Best wishes

    #2673 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    I still don’t understand. How did you get IanniX working in Logic? Do you have a short tutorial or something?

    #2674 Répondre

    Hi! You should just open Iannix and then open Logic. They are automatically rewired. Make sure to load a MIDI example in Iannix and it should work.

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