Linking Max and Iannix in Live

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  • Ce sujet contient 4 réponses, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par braship, le il y a 3 mois et 4 semaines.
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  • #3715 Répondre
    Rahul Nadkarni

    I wanted to know a little more about patching iannix into live using max so that i can control some of the parameters better. is there a specific max patch that i need to download in order to be able to select the note grid and scale that iannix follows? could you walk me through the steps?

    #3716 Répondre
    Maître des clés


    IanniX relies on continuums and atonal music so there’s no scales and note grid!

    #3717 Répondre
    Rahul Nadkarni

    thanks! so there’s no way of limiting the note range even through Max?

    #3740 Répondre

    You want to have discrete notes? what I did to have c4 at y=0 is to custom map the cursor with the Y coordinate going from -73 to 55 and the y output from 0 to 1, that way each square on the grid on the y coodinate will equal half a tone, then just place triggers on the note you want

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