Geometry with javascript

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  • Ce sujet contient 1 réponse, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Anonyme, le il y a 13 années et 6 mois.
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  • #2198 Répondre

    After having left the Iannix world for a while, I have returned to see what
    is new. I must I am very impressed with all the progress that has been made.

    The addition of javascript is a huge improvement in usability. I do have a couple
    of questions…

    1. Can I include third party java script libraries?
    2. Can someone recommend any libraries that I can use to generate geometry?


    #2641 Répondre


    To be honnest, we didn’t develop the JS-engine, it is included in QtScript from Qt and I don’t really know if it is possible… Does somebody have more information on QtScript and 3rd party libs ?

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