Enable inspector to change period

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  • Ce sujet contient 3 réponses, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Anonyme, le il y a 13 années et 9 mois.
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  • #2156 Répondre

    I suggest the cursor/curve inspector to allow user to change OSC message period. The « setMessage » API is great and I just now made use of it, but I would find it very useful under many conditions to do it directly from the inspector.

    I may want to (or need to) do thinning of OSC packets and then, if necessary, perform smoothing in my downstream app. Sometimes a high level of cursor tracking-precision is not needed, and one can do smoothing in the server (in Max, for example, where I would use the [line] or [line~] object to generate a smooth ramp).


    #2464 Répondre

    Yep, scripts have more features because it is faster for me to develop this part. But we know that we have to add this feature in GUI!

    #2465 Répondre

    @Guillaume wrote:

    Yep, scripts have more features because it is faster for me to develop this part. But we know that we have to add this feature in GUI!

    Cool. I know that beta testers will have thoughts about items you already have in your own pipeline, so forgive us for sometimes stating the obvious.


    #2463 Répondre

    Annnnnnd… added in the 0.8.21 beta!

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