elements dont open with double click

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  • Ce sujet contient 4 réponses, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par henk, le il y a 11 années.
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  • #3369 Répondre

    hi, i am working with max and ppooll. iannix should work great with it, i ve seen examples. most of the iannix interface speaks for itself. however, when i double click the selected object to edit its message nothing happens (i use a simple curve with one trigger as exemple), should something open up? what am i missing or not seeing?
    max is seeing iannix but is not receiving anything. any advice? all of the other mouse actions work.


    #3371 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    Hi! you can only put messages on triggers and on cursors, not directly on curves 🙂
    If it doesn’t open, you can go to Info > Messages > Edit Messages

    Thanks for your feedback!

    #3372 Répondre

    oke, thanks. they dont open on mouseclick, but through the inspector i can get in. i am trying now to figure out how to send the right midi signals. is there possibility to follow a course to get to know the basics of iannix?


    #3373 Répondre
    Maître des clés


    I answer here (for this post and your previsous email).

    MIDI signals can be sent only by triggers (Note on/off) and cursors (but MIDI bad resolution (0-127) is unusable…). What kind of problem do you have?

    For IanniX workshops, we’ll organize one in Paris : please pre-register here : https://iannix.org/workshop/en

    Thanks for using IanniX!

    #3374 Répondre

    hi, thanks for the repley. i noticed indeed that trigger and bend/cursor where the only midi signals with useful msgs.
    i am working with ppooll environments and want to replace the modulators who control other acts with exterior midisignals so as to keep my cpu level in hand. i guess have to figure out how too get that modulation info into iannix (i am going to try with the learn function perhaps?) it is a matter of trial and error. some acts in ppooll like LFO reacts fine on note on of, some acts stay switched of.
    well, i have to learn midi. i wonder if working with osc will make live a little easier?


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