Curves with no cursors

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  • #2144 Répondre

    I’m new to IanniX, I’ve been watching the project for a while but the previous build weren’t making any sense to me. This new version is looking extremely usable. I’ve already got it sending OSC data to Pure Data, and I think I can do a lot with it. But, I’ve seem to have found a bug that messes things up pretty badly.

    I’m finding that if I create a curve and delete all of it’s cursors so there are zero cursor on it, many bad things happen. All subsequent curves are created without cursors. It is impossible to give these « zero cursor curves » cursors, and impossible to delete them. These curves will also delete each other if created too close together. The cursor button creates unattached cursor in the center of the screen.

    I’m running IanniX 8.2 in Snow Leopard.

    -Daniel Konar

    #2399 Répondre

    Yes, this bug is very annoying and it is fixed in the next release (we still have a bug, that’s why this is not released yet). However, if you fast-rewind your score (by pressing ‘f’ two or three times), your score may work again (it’s a very poor solution I know, but this is the only solution before the next release).
    But be aware that free cursors are allowed (cursors without curves). This cursors can be controlled in OSC for example by an other software. We’ll post an example in a few days that shows this feature 🙂

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