cursors on 0.8.4

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  • #2261 Répondre

    Hi Iannix,
    I just upgraded to 0.8.4 and have a problem with cursors
    they don’t loop and length is set to 62825,57s
    [attachment=0:27jsmh59]Capture d’écran 2012-06-22 à 10.43.35.png[/attachment:27jsmh59]
    it happens on all newly created curves ( UI or scripted ) and almost all example curves ( but not IanniX logo for example )

    any idea ?

    Iannix 0.8.4 & MacOS 10.7.4

    #2808 Répondre


    Sorry for this bug, we didn’t see that before releasing :(.
    Of course it’ll be fixed in 0.8.41, released in a few days.

    Thanks for debugging with us!

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