bugs especially font display – windows xp

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  • #2131 Répondre


    I’m very new to Iannix having just started exploring it. But I’d like to congratulate the developers for embarking on a such a novel and useful approach to sequencing.

    So I’m keen to get into it more but there are a few things holding me back. Some are possibly bugs, others may just be design logic that isn’t clear (at least to me).

    – My biggest hurdle is that Font display is almost illegible. I’ve tried adjusting font smoothing etc (display properties-effects) as I remember this was the issue with a Pure Data release with the same problem, but it does not help. I can send a screen shot if you can supply an address.
    – ‘?’ does not point to documentation
    – ‘Open Patches folder’ does not do so
    – Inspector logic: On the very first running of Iannix, the inspector Score centre lists the example scripts. On subsequent runs, the scripts do not display requiring me to open the example folder as the project folder (File – open project folder)
    – Examples do not always open/run.
    – Midi example sometimes opens with triggers and but most of the time has no triggers.
    – After closing the script editor, I can’t work out how to open it again.

    I also have some confusion about Project management (project folders & saving etc), but will leave those questions for later as the responses to the above questions might clarify my confusion.


    My setup:
    lenovo SL500 laptop
    Windows XP SP3
    intel core2duo
    cpu 1.8 ghz
    2 gig ram

    #2340 Répondre


    I’ve just realised that I can attach files. I’ve attached a screenshot showing the font display issue.

    #2341 Répondre

    Hi Brendon,

    I’m quite new to IanniX myself but I’ve started looking into the source code to make some modifications and may be able to help you with at least some things.

    >>> Regarding Font display:

    I’ve run IanniX on two different Windows 7 systems and two different Macs and have not had this problem except maybe in the message editor, and maybe the text is somewhat small, although I’m running at 1920×1200 resolution. I see you are running on Windows XP so that may be the problem. I do have an XP system so I’ll download IanniX to it and see if the same thing happens. Also, IanniX is written with the cross platform frameworks QT so I’ll have a look in the QT support forums for reports of problems with XP. What screen resolution are you using?

    >>> ‘?’ does not point to documentation

    There should be a « documentation » folder in the folder where IanniX.exe is located. In that should be the file « index.html » which is the documentation. Did you install IanniX version 0.8.21 for Windows from here: https://www.iannix.org/en/download.php ? If you downloaded this and just unzipped the contents into a folder and run the exe the directory structure should be set up correctly with respect to the exe.

    However regarding documentation, recently much better documentation has been posted online here: https://www.iannix.org/documentation/EN/

    >>> ‘Open Patches folder’ does not do so

    Again it sounds like problem with the directory structure from where the exe is located. It should contain a patches folder.

    >>> Inspector logic: On the very first running of Iannix, the inspector Score centre lists the example scripts. On subsequent runs, the scripts do not display requiring me to open the example folder as the project folder (File – open project folder)

    This may be a problem with the directory structure too. Double check that the folder where the exe is contains all the folders as they are laid out in the unzipped application download. If the exe file’s folder contains an examples folder the examples should be seen in the « Styles and Scripts » list in the « Score Center ».

    >>> Examples do not always open/run.

    May again be a problem with folder structure.

    >>> Midi example sometimes opens with triggers and but most of the time has no triggers.

    I’ve never seen this problem. There is something strange about your installation. Try downloading Windows version 0.8.21 again, keeping the directory structure intact. If the problem still occurs it will take some detective work to figure out what’s different about your system/setup that is causing this. It may be relate to the text display problem.

    >>> After closing the script editor, I can’t work out how to open it again.

    This confused me at first too. The script editor should reopen when you double click on a script to run it, which also opens the editor. I understand script editing is only newly added and not complete yet. I would like to see the behavior changed so you can see a script BEFORE running it so you can verify it does what you want or to change it as required.

    >>> Regarding Project management (project folders & saving etc):

    I also find this confusing and I think some improvements could me made. I’ve unofficially started to think about improvements (although I’m not part of the IanniX team). What problems are you having?

    – Chris

    #2342 Répondre

    Just a follow-up on the unclear text problem: I tried IanniX on my Windows XP system and the text was quite clear. However my Windows system is actually a high resolution large screen iMac running Bootcamp so it may not be comparable.

    However I did find mention on the QT forums of a problem on XP when ClearType was enabled, although not widespread. I tried enabling ClearType and the text was a little less clear although not as bad as what you are seeing. I tried it at different resolutions and it shows more pixellation at some resolutions than others.

    You might try a different screen resolution and see if this helps. You might also try changing your ClearType setting – enable if disabled, disable if enabled and see if this helps. There is also online information about tuning you can do to optimize ClearType’s settings for your system. (Easy to find with Google) For me changing these settings did affect the degree of pixellation and on some displays it might have a bigger effect to cause what you are seeing.

    Apart from that I don’t know what could help the problem other than re-downloading a fresh copy of IanniX and see if that helps.

    – Chris

    #2343 Répondre

    Hi Chris

    Much thanks for your detailed suggestions here. Bit busy today, but when I get a moment, probably this evening, I’ll go through your suggestions carefully.


    #2344 Répondre

    Hi Chris

    Well firstly I’ve found what causes the problem with directory structure. When I right click on the .exe, select ‘pin to start menu’ and then click on that link it opens Iannix without any scripts loaded and ‘open patches’ and ‘?’ not working. When I run Iannix by clicking directly on the .exe it opens fine without any broken links.
    And so far examples are running fine as well including the midi example – this *might* be a result of me having had to open the example scripts manually by going ‘file – open project folder’ and then finding the example file.

    I’d still call this a bug though as I almost always use ‘pin to start menu’ with a wide range of software without encountering this problem.

    Font: On your suggestion, I tried several combinations of ‘clear type’ and screen resolution. Clear type with screen at highest resolution (1280×800) and at 32bit is most legible. I also downloaded the XP Clear type tweaker. The font is now a little better and in a manner readable but is still degraded with parts of letters missing. I could attach a screenshot except that after compressing to jpeg it looks much the same as the previous one I posted. I don’t have this font problem with any of the other applications I use (Audiomulch, Reaper, Audacity etc) and probably wont be able to live with cleartype (text is blurred and in writing this mail my eyes are straining).

    Script editor – I’m beginning to understand the logic, but agree with you re: being able to see the script before running it.

    Project management confusion: I still need to clarify my thoughts. I discussed this briefly with my partner who said that Illustrator seems to use a similar logic – so I’ll have a look and get back. So far I can say:
    – That if the user seems directed to use the ‘score centre’ rather than the usual ‘file – save – choose location – save in location’, then it would be better to be able to do everything in the ‘score centre’ – renaming and deleting scores without having to use the file menu. It feels counter intuitive to have to move from one side of the screen to the other – in a way mixing two ways of working in an awkward way.
    – I’d say the same for opening, creating and accessing project folders.

    Thanks again for your feedback and suggestions!


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