Automating Zoom In/Zoom Out and 3D rotation

Accueil Forums Scripts Automating Zoom In/Zoom Out and 3D rotation

  • Ce sujet contient 3 réponses, 2 participants et a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois par Jerome GB, le il y a 6 années.
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  • #5527 Répondre


    One of my favorite aspects of Iannix is the ability to zoom in and zoom out, and to rotate the scores in 3D space. Is there any way/script that allows me to zoom in/zoom out and to rotate the resulting scores over time? The reason I ask this is because I am using my newest score as a video in an art exhibition. When I record myself zooming in and zooming out, and rotating the score over time, because it’s done by hand, it gets really choppy. I wish I could do this smoothly.

    If I could get any help on this, I’d really appreciate it.

    Thank you.

    #5529 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    Hi Hasan,

    You can open the Help window and see in realtime the OSC messages needed to zoom, center, rotate score!

    #5530 Répondre

    Thanks very much! It’s a very simple solution!

    #5532 Répondre
    Jerome GB

    I’m using mappable max objects to do this!
    I’m curious to see your work Hassan 🙂

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