
Any body got max4live Windows working with this?

Accueil Forums Créer avec IanniX Any body got max4live Windows working with this?

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  • #2607 Répondre

    Well, I’m giving up for now. Maybe a future release of live and/or max might help.

    How far did I get ? Well, I have installed liveosc (which needs python) and loopBe1, and managed to get midi from ianniX into live! Not bad, but I really wanted osc input.

    Max upreceive does not seem to function within live – even with liveosc installed. It is possbile to run an external max patch, to convert osc to midi.

    #2608 Répondre

    Jim, I had a similar problem on a Mac system. Try this –

    change the udprecieve port in the M4L patch is set to 57120, also ensure/double check that the OSC in port in Iannix are 2000 and the Raw UDP port is 1234 (ie, the default settings).

    There’s no need for LiveOSC or the like… 🙂

    Hope this helps!

    #2609 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    I really coldun’t ask for more from this article.

    #2610 Répondre
    Maître des clés

    This has been a great help. Thank you to all who have contributed to the ianniX project & the m4l device & for those of you who have taken the time out to help others get it up & running. 😀

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