Reply To: Iannix crash under fedora 19 64 bits

Accueil Forums Bugs Iannix crash under fedora 19 64 bits Reply To: Iannix crash under fedora 19 64 bits



I still have the same problem with the last pull:

commit ff8dddcf84d766be5f9ff8af79f4bedfdf06d03f
Author: Guillaume Jacquemin <>
Date: Sat Aug 10 13:05:07 2013 +0300

IanniX 0.9.11 RC1

– rare bug with file saving fixed (not reproducible and not enough info
on bug — so fixed in theory)
– bug with abusive triggering while looping on a curve fixed
– new « factor of elasticity » parameter on curves (made with points –
not equations or circles -) making the curve « elastic » while moving
– new « Save As » and « Close » menus

Best regards,


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