Re: Startup config under Linux

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Are you running from a local build, or are you using the Iannix binary? I never had a segfault, but I have not yet bothered to do a build. It might be instructive to try the Iannix binary. My impression is that certain versions of Qt’s Linux libs should be avoided, and they might be the cause of segfaults if you built against the wrong ones. In one of the earlier threads, Guillaume gave instructions and links to Qt libs that work for him.


@rhowaldt wrote:

i have the same problem as vallste here, #! (CrunchBang) Linux 32bit, is giving me a Segmentation Fault and it is not clear to me (after looking at the documentation and the source of what i need to do… seems it is looking for a filepath, but to what? i’ve given it the path to the IanniX executable, but still no luck…

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