Re: Issue: Transport control, FS Mode

Accueil Forums Bugs Issue: Transport control, FS Mode Re: Issue: Transport control, FS Mode


I’m testing now under Linux: IanniX 0.8.2, Fedora-14, Kernel 2.6.35
(I believe the following observations hold true for Win32 as well)

@Guillaume wrote:

I think its a question of window focus. Do you go in fullscreen mode with Ctrl+F, the toolbar or the menu? Because I suppose that if you are editing an input field in the inspector and the you press Ctrl+F, the focus is still in the input field…

No, I’ve been using the toolbar (I’m not yet practiced enough to use the keyboard shortcuts! :–), so does that rule out focus? …Maybe not:

I just observed that when first entering FS mode, I *do* have transport control. However, as soon as I click (I verify I’m in the canvas area of the window because I hover first to make sure my invisible mouse cursor is approximately where I’d like it), transport control is lost. No matter what I’ve tried after that moment, I cannot regain FS transport control (toggling in and out of FS mode, clicking anything and everything – selecting/deselecting objects, etc).

Does this help?


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