Re: Win32 build

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Hi to you, Iannix!

…Guillaume? …Thierry?

QtCreator — exactly, and I do use it. On Win32, QtCreator by default front-ends either the MinGW compiler or MSVC. Because I already had vs2005 installed on my main worksation (from my days as a MFC/.NET developer), I let it default to MSVC.

I suspected you were using QtSDK 4.6 and that my use of 4.7 was part of the reason my builds had problems at first. As for your Win32 builds, are you using the MinGW compiler?

The last thing I want is my own private branch, so I’ll be willing to consider back-versioning my QtSDK installation. I’ll look into the compiler/object-lib issues after I do that.

« …compile without … warnings » ? !
Shall I take that as a guarantee? 🙂


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