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  • in reply to: Making things with IanniX #3523

    Hi there.

    I have iannix connected to and running with Max 7.

    What I’m trying to do is make it so that when a trigger in Iannix is triggered it will play a specific wav/mp3 file in max.

    In my current patch it seems that Max is reading the trigger hits from Iannix, however, the audio files do not play.

    I’ve researched alot, I know I’m just missing something small. Anyway anyone can help me with this?

    Also, my end goal is to get the triggers in Iannix to connect to the Ircam Spat in Max. If anyone has any good sites for documentation on this I would be much obliged.

    Thanks in advance!

    – Katherine

    in reply to: Triggering Wav and mp3 files in Max #3524


    The example patch provided with IanniX (folder Patches > Max) show you how to trig wav samples in Max 🙂

    in reply to: Triggering Wav and mp3 files in Max #3525

    Ya I saw that and opened it, however, I couldn’t seem to get it to work.

    I’m also new to max, so again I’m sure I’m making a small miss-step.

    In the example patch I assume I need to connect it to the udpreceive etc. But that’s not doing the trick.

    Are there any settings I need to change in Iannix itself?

    in reply to: .dll files required #3526
    Daniel Mackenzie

    Well I found the first two online and added them to the correct system folder but wanted to stop there… scary territory. At the moment it’s asking for QtCore4.dll. I could find this one too but I have no idea how many more it will ask for and what damage I might be doing to my computer finding these .ddl files on random websites. So if there’s a fix to take care of the whole issue, that would be great.

    I could also just download again, perhaps something got lost somewhere…

    in reply to: .dll files required #3527
    Daniel Mackenzie

    Oh okay, I downloaded it again and it’s all fine – weird. Now I just have to work out how the hell to use it!

    in reply to: Making things with IanniX #3528


    J’ai un petit problème… J’aimerais savoir comment enregistrer ma partition graphique dans un autre format que “.iannix” ? J’aimerais pouvoir l’enregistrer dans un format audio comme le “mp3” ou un autres formats de lecture audio afin de pouvoir le lire dans windows média ou un logiciel de montage audio. J’ai chercher mais je ne trouve pas, j’ai chercher dans les patchs mais cela ne me dit pas comment faire…

    Je suis novice en programmation, logiciel etc… Si quelqu’un me répond j’aimerais que cela soit avec une marche à suivre très précise ! 🙂

    Merci d’avance !

    Ps : je travaille sous Windows 8.

    in reply to: Format de lecture audio ??? #3529

    Bonjour Jérémy,

    Contrairement à l’UPIC de Iannis Xenakis, IanniX ne gère pas l’audio. Il faut voir IanniX comme une surface de contrôle (type clavier maître ou faders) qui va piloter un moteur audio (PureData, SuperCollider, Max…).
    Ainsi, le format .iannix contient les données graphiques de la partition. Il faut connecter IanniX à un autre outil (nous fournissons un patch Max par exemple) qui lui sera en charge de l’interprétation sonore de la partition.

    in reply to: Format de lecture audio ??? #3530


    Merci de m’avoir répondu, donc il me suffit de télécharger et installer le logiciel Max afin de pouvoir enregistrer dans un format de lecture audio ? Grâce au patch il sera en mesure de lire le fichier “.iannix” ?

    in reply to: Making things with IanniX #3531

    I see the potential for sinusoidal wave/pad sounds…but can we program drum patterns? I have to be honest I haven’t read any comprehensive tutorial. It seems to be compatible with recent work by Ryoji Ikeda and alvo noto (carsten nicolai). But they have syncopation…i can visualize the possibilities with this software.

    Any good examples…with a “how-to” guide?

    in reply to: How do you make drum patterns with IanniX? #3533

    Hi! Not sure to understand exactly what you mean, but there’s no tutorials ; to start with IanniX, you may have a look at examples provided with IanniX!

    in reply to: Making things with IanniX #3534
    Angel Sanchez

    Hi there !

    How can I draw a line in Processing that generates a curve in Iannix thru OSC ?

    Thanks !

    in reply to: Your projects #3535
    Homo Faber

    Vive Iannix !

    in reply to: Create curves from Processing to Iannix #3536

    Yes, open the Helper window in IanniX and add a curve and move points to see the messages you have to send!

    in reply to: Iannix + Max Msp #3537

    Vive Homo Faber !

    in reply to: Wanted! #3539
    Roux F.

    Comment fermer une courbe préalablement dessinée ?


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