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  • in reply to: Your projects #3500
    Dissat Marius

    Bonjour tous le monde!
    Je suis en licence de production et j’aimerai réaliser mon projet de fin detude avec Max MSP et Iannix ainsi que Resolme pour les graphiques. J’utilise Max afin de gérer ma banque de son et créer les loops avec le rythme jouer par un batteur sur une batterie électronique. J’esperai utiliser Iannix pour gérer les effets, lfo et autre ainsi que declancher les vidéos. Pour le moment, tout va bien!ahha
    Ma question est: Est-il possible, et j’espère que oui, de créer un patch sous Max ou Iannix qui mettrai en relation la vitesse de la tete de lecture avec le BPM du projet sous Max? J’aimerai éviter de devoir passer par Ableton!
    Merci beaucoup

    in reply to: Iannix and OpenMusic — A few (basic) questions… #3501

    *I’ve been walls = I’ve been hitting walls…

    Any hints and workarounds on how to work with OMIannix would be most welcome. Thanks in advance.

    All the best,

    in reply to: Iannix et Max MSP #3503

    Bonjour !
    Je ne suis pas sûr d’avoir bien pigé la question 🙂 IanniX peut contrôler graphiquement ce qu’on veut (des variables Max, des CC MIDI…), mais IanniX ne gère pas le son directement. Dans Max, tu peut contrôler en effet la tête de lecture d’un son, ou changer le BPM global. Je pense que c’est plus une question de Max que de IanniX au final nan ?

    in reply to: Iannix and OpenMusic — A few (basic) questions… #3504


    OMIannix is a very old library that is no more compatible with IanniX nor OpenMusic… Sorry…

    in reply to: selecting objects in the score #3505

    Hi Benjamin,
    Is it linked to 3D? When you are in 3D, selection is disabled, you have to come back to 2D (Alt+dble-click) ?

    in reply to: Iannix and OpenMusic — A few (basic) questions… #3506

    I had noticed OMIannix’s export format is xml and not Iannix’s present format (.iannix), but other than that I din’t have any trouble loading the library in OM 6.8 (nor 6.9)… It seems to work fine in OM. Anyway, it’s a shame two great composition environments “lost touch” with each other…

    Thanks for the reply.

    in reply to: Scripts #3507

    Hello. Would it be possible to create a website version of the Iannix commands, useful JavaScript functions, and message values? Something like Processing’s “Reference” page would be great: https://processing.org/reference/

    I’m not a web designer, but I can handle a CMS. I’d volunteer to do this for you if you didn’t have the time. A web version of the commands, etc. would be very helpful to read through.


    in reply to: Making things with IanniX #3513

    First, thanks for this amazing software ! I’m just getting started with it.
    Is it possible to attach some trigger to curves or to intersections of curves ?
    Let me explain : I want to be able to move the curves and that the triggers stay at the intersection of the curves.

    Thanks again !!

    in reply to: Bugs #3514
    Daniel Mackenzie

    Hello everyone,

    I just downloaded this for Windows 8 and it’s asking me to obtain all these .dll files. I guess I’m okay to do this but I’ve had a fairly serious virus problem recently and am just a bit cautious. Did anyone else have this same problem, and can you recommend a safe way to download the install the extensions?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: .dll files required #3515


    All the DLL are included, which ones are missing?

    in reply to: Making things with IanniX #3516

    Hi everyone,
    It’s possible assign a specific note to a trigger with a script code string?
    Thank you for your job and for the help,

    in reply to: Fix trigger to curves #3518

    Sorry but this feature is not possible in IanniX. However, if you’re familiar with OSC messages, you can “fake” this feature by moving the curve and the trigger simultaneously.

    in reply to: Assign a specific note to a trigger #3520

    To specify a MIDI note in script, you can type run("setMessage <id_of_trigger> 0, midi://midi_out/notef 1 <note> <velocity> <duration_in_sec>");

    in reply to: Assign a specific note to a trigger #3521

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Making things with IanniX #3522

    Hi there.

    I have iannix connected to and running with Max 7.

    What I’m trying to do is make it so that when a trigger in Iannix is triggered it will play a specific wav/mp3 file in max.

    In my current patch it seems that Max is reading the trigger hits from Iannix, however, the audio files do not play.

    I’ve researched alot, I know I’m just missing something small. Anyway anyone can help me with this?

    Also, my end goal is to get the triggers in Iannix to connect to the Ircam Spat in Max. If anyone has any good sites for documentation on this I would be much obliged.

    Thanks in advance!

    – Katherine

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