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  • in reply to: UNDO fails to serialize #2456

    Looking forward to the next version!


    in reply to: Feedback #2156

    I suggest the cursor/curve inspector to allow user to change OSC message period. The “setMessage” API is great and I just now made use of it, but I would find it very useful under many conditions to do it directly from the inspector.

    I may want to (or need to) do thinning of OSC packets and then, if necessary, perform smoothing in my downstream app. Sometimes a high level of cursor tracking-precision is not needed, and one can do smoothing in the server (in Max, for example, where I would use the [line] or [line~] object to generate a smooth ramp).


    in reply to: Setting up Iannix with Ableton Live ??? #2418

    Thanks Bob 🙂

    Do you by any chance work with Max 5 or Max for Live ?

    I’ve been trying to rework the Max patch that came with iannix, to fit with Max for Live, to be able to send midi numbers instead of frequencies, so I can control a VST or other synth on another midi track in ableton live, but I can’t get it to work. I guess my limited rusty knowledge of Max and OSC that is to blame… :-/

    anyone has inputs, they are very much appreciated 🙂
    check png attached of my desktop


    in reply to: Mac OS X compatibility #2321

    @Guillaume wrote:

    I added a “10.5+” on download pages.

    thanks, looks like I’ll have to upgrade… I can keep my download until then…

    in reply to: Setting up Iannix with Ableton Live ??? #2419

    @MBD73 wrote:

    Do you by any chance work with Max 5 or Max for Live ?

    I flail with Max, and have no experience with M4L. But since M4L includes all the Max built-ins, I may have one helpful hint for you. Here’s a bit of IanniX’s example patch, with my little addition:

    The object [ftom], f-to-m (frequency-to-midi), may be what you want here. In this example, I run [ftom]’s output to a [numbox] set to display the midi (with C4 as center) value for the incoming freq values. I hope this helps.


    in reply to: Feedback #2159

    I appreciate the mouse wheel zoom in/zoom out of the entire score.

    I would love also to have mouse wheel resize of individual objects (or any number of objects selected at the moment). Thanks for listening :–)


    in reply to: Bugs #2160

    In the attached score, triggers #172 and #173 fire when cursor #1 reverses direction at the end of its curve (when that cursor is nowhere near those triggers). They do also fire at the correct time (when cursor #1 strikes them).

    Score and messages-log attached.


      OSX 10.6.7
      IanniX 0.8.2
    in reply to: Feedback #2162

    I wish to preface this by saying the 0.8 release is a giant step beyond the previous 0.6 versions and Iannix now achieves much of its original promise.

    However, there is one aspect of the current infrastructure that just seems to me architecturally misguided: the project management / file navigation, update, and-save mechanism. Integrating project management functions into an Inspector is a worthy goal, but this implementation is incomplete and fragmented. One of the deficiencies that must be overcome is the forced and awkward interaction between the File Inspector and the File Menu. The mechanism invites disaster in several ways. Just one example: Invoke “New script”, and whatever Current Project score is selected in the Inspector (and one is always selected) will go dirty and a subsequent save will wipe out previous work. One must always ensure a new score or duplicate score has been created and selected before loading anything else or invoking a script. Simply loading an example can make a previous score go dirty.

    There is much precedent out there and I suggest that this part of the Iannix infrastructure be modeled after a more conventional and intuitive design.

    Thanks for hearing my blather,

    in reply to: Bugs #2161

    Extra nodes (or call them “drag-handles”) appeared in curves. I don’t know how to reproduce, but had three new ones during a single editing session.

    This brings to mind a potentially very useful editing function: In order to fix this, I could not simply delete those spontaneously-appearing nodes. Lacking this, I had to drag the undesired node over the top of one of the original nodes in order to straighten out the line once again (knowing that this would still leave behind a microscopic glitch). There should be a means to delete a particular node. Upon deletion, that curve/line-segment would then redraw itself to connect the remaining adjacent nodes (commonly done in other graphics drawing programs — for example, envelope editing in your typical DAW).

    I tried everything to reproduce this (even changed my socks and underwear) but couldn’t, so it seems not to be a product of accidentally clicking, click-dragging, or shift-clicking, etc, on a curve.



    in reply to: Bugs #2163

    I’ll put this under BUGS, but you may wish to consider it a current feature :–)

    Objects appear in the Object List Inspector multiple times. If objects in different scores have the same ID, they can appear simultaneously and appear to be duplicated. If your Current Project lists more than one score and you are not working on the first one that comes up when you load Iannix, you may have objects from multiple scores in the list. Furthermore, for every additional score that you choose to work with during a particular Iannix session, those scores’ objects will be added to the list and they will remain there. This can result in three, four, or more objects in the list with the same ID (if, for example, you’ve cloned several scores from a common prototype). If you’ve worked on more, those will be added to the list as well. This will also result in not seeing an object light up when you click it in the list because it is actually located in a score you’re not currently viewing.

    I strongly feel objects only for the current active score should appear in the list (same for groups, of course). Simply browsing through your scores will add objects to the list for any of the other scores and they will stay there until closing the current session of IanniX.


    in reply to: Feedback #2164

    I’d like to see object labels in the Object-selection Inspector, and optionally allow turning them off from displaying in the graph. They collide with the OSC Message Definition anyway (and almost always, they can collide with each other), so labels are currently of limited use in the graph (or, conversely, the OSC Definition is of limited use when they are colliding :–)


    in reply to: Feedback #2165

    In the Object-selection Inspector, clicking group name should select all of that group’s member-objects (similar to clicking on an Object Name from the list).


    in reply to: Feedback #2166

    I often need to select all objects in a sub-region of the graph, and now I must SHFT-Click each individual object. GROUPing is useful (and will even be more so if/when group-select is implemented), but it is not a substitute for marquee select.

    Yes, me again;

    in reply to: Feedback #2167

    Clever. I’ve noticed that a new posting wakes up the spam-bots. It’s not from message-on-reply because they jump in on a new thread with their auto spam.

    No cheer,

    in reply to: New nodes spontaneously appear #2481

    Ah! I figured out how to reproduce this bug :geek:. It involves creating a GROUP (who’d have thought!!!).

    In my most recent example, it looked like this after the disruption:



    Here’s the sequence of edit actions:

      1) Create a group. I’ve been GROUPing three curves, with at least two of them adjacent.
      2) Force doc to go dirty by nudging an object (Adding a group unfortunately does not do this — groups are not currently saved with the doc, it seems)
      3) Save the doc
      4) Exit Iannix
      5) Restart Iannix
      6) Load the score just edited above
      7) Note the extraneous nodes and combining of two curves into one curve.

    Score, post-artifacts, attached.



    @I wrote:

    Extra nodes (or call them “drag-handles”) appeared in curves. I don’t know how to reproduce, but had three new ones during a single editing session.

    This brings to mind a potentially very useful editing function: In order to fix this, I could not simply delete those spontaneously-appearing nodes. Lacking this, I had to drag the undesired node over the top of one of the original nodes in order to straighten out the line once again (knowing that this would still leave behind a microscopic glitch). There should be a means to delete a particular node. Upon deletion, that curve/line-segment would then redraw itself to connect the remaining adjacent nodes (commonly done in other graphics drawing programs — for example, envelope editing in your typical DAW).

    I tried everything to reproduce this (even changed my socks and underwear) but couldn’t, so it seems not to be a product of accidentally clicking, click-dragging, or shift-clicking, etc, on a curve.



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