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  • in reply to: Enregistrement de données #3341


    IanniX ne peut pas le faire directement, en revanche, un petit utilitaire, OSCseq (http://oscseq.com/) le permet !


    in reply to: Enregistrement de données #3342

    Merci pour l’info.

    in reply to: Bugs #3343
    Jacob Hartzell

    I’m experiencing an issue where I cannot use the script editor to change the score. If I press the “Save and refresh score” button, all of my changes are abandoned. similarly with the “Refresh code” button.

    Steps to repeat:
    Create an object in the score view
    open the script editor (Inspector->Files Tab->Double click on the score name)
    make some changes (I was attempting to change x/y pos on a trigger)
    click the Save and refresh score button.
    Changes in the script editor are removed and the original score is replaced.

    IanniX 0.9.14 beta. Using OsX 10.7.5.

    in reply to: Script Editor Does Not Save #3344
    Jacob Hartzell

    After playing around for a while, I realized that this only occurs in the sections labeled “This section is automaticaly overwritten when saving a score.”

    Does this mean that these sections are unable to be edited by the script editor?

    in reply to: Bugs #3345

    Salut, j’ai réussi à compiler qt 4.8.5 et qtcreator 2.6.2 sur mon pcduino.

    J’essaye de compiler Iannix et j’ai cette erreure :
    /home/ubuntu/IanniX-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_5__qt__Release/../IanniX-master/geometry/nxeasing.h:36: error: no matching function for call to 'qBound(double, qreal, double)'

    J’ai rajouté le paquet #include <QtGlobal> dans Iannix.h (c’est le paquet qui utilise cette fonction) mais il faudrait déclarer la fonction mais je ne sais pas où.

    C’est simple mais je suis bloqué

    un grand merci

    in reply to: Build on pcduino #3346


    Pas très grave, il suffit de caster les double en qreal. Genre : qBound((qreal)0., easing.valueForProgress(progress), (qreal)1.); et ça devrait marcher !

    in reply to: Bugs #3347
    Adrien Mondot


    I’m having trouble to change the default OSC out port : I would like to send all the OSC bundles on 2337, but when I go in config/network and I set the values to (for both “Default IP” and “make OSC Bundle on”) nothing seems to change.
    If I overwrite my cursor message manually in Iannix’s message editor (i mean : change osc://ip_out:port_out/cursors …values… in something like : osc://ip_out:2337/cursors …values…), the message log indicate the correct address and port, but I don’t receive anything on the 2337 port (I’m monitoring with Osculator).

    Everything is working fine if I stay on the default 57120 port.

    Am I doing something wrong ?
    In the doc it says -> port_out : default port set in ‘Network’ tab

    I’m working on Mavericks with the last stable release of Iannix.


    PS : I’m trying to make my software (eMotion – http://www.am-cb.net/emotion/) working “out of the box” with Iannix, it would help me a lot to understand this port problem!

    in reply to: trouble to change default OSC out port #3348

    Hello Adrian,

    You’re totally true, there is a bug with OSC bundles 🙂 The port “57120” was hardcoded…

    Before deploying the patch on each version / platform, you can download the beta version here (don’t care if at startup, it popups with a supposed new version, close the popup) : https://www.iannix.org/download/beta/
    Give us some feedback! (I’ve tested with OSCulator)


    PS : et oui, ça sera pas mal que ça marche avec emotion 🙂 encore bravo pour l’outil et surtout ce que vous en faites !

    in reply to: Script Editor Does Not Save #3349


    Yes exactly. If you want to add some code to your graphical score, you should write the code in the function makeWithScript() (add objecte BEFORE graphical ones) or alterateWithScript() (to add code AFTER graphical editing).

    You cannot edit manually the score or you should do this through an external editor.

    in reply to: trouble to change default OSC out port #3351
    Adrien Mondot

    Hello Guillaume,

    Thanks a lot for the answer and the kind word!
    I downloaded the beta 0.9.14 linked there. Unfortunately I don’t receive any data/bundle if I change the port_out configuration to 2337 (or any other port). However the message log of Iannix says it’s sending on the good port (in the previous release it was blocked on 57120).
    here is a screenshot : https://www.dropbox.com/s/z6xexpipeq52gra/Capture%20d%27%C3%A9cran%202013-12-30%2020.52.42.png
    I would love to be able to work with Iannix without having to change all my OSC path!
    I will try to post a screencast of some possibilities I see while mixing eMotion & Iannix.


    in reply to: trouble to change default OSC out port #3353

    Oooh, that’s strange because it works for me…
    Capture d'écran
    You say “I downloaded the beta 0.9.14” but it should be 0.9.15. Just to be sure, are you sure you made the right update?

    in reply to: trouble to change default OSC out port #3354
    Adrien Mondot

    Oups sorry, I made a mistake while upgrading, I wasn’t running the 0.9.15 version.
    Everything is working as expected, great!
    Thanks a lot,

    in reply to: Build on pcduino #3355

    Je n’ai pas encore pu essayer ta réponse car j’ai cette erreure dès que j’essaye de compiler :
    :-1: error: Warning: File../IanniX-master/IanniX.pro’ has modification time 1.2e+08 s in the future`

    Je suis bloqué.

    in reply to: Build on pcduino #3356

    Aucune idée là… J’ai rien trouvé de probant sur Qt à ce sujet : https://www.google.fr/#q=qt+-1+error+warning+file+has+modification+time+s+in+the+future

    in reply to: Making things with IanniX #3360

    I’m trying to get OSC messages sent to Cosmosf plugin in Ableton Live 9. I have the port selected 7002 in cosmosf. Iannix shows the Cosmosf under network, selected 7002. I go to the Info tab and I can only choose the Resources Tab. All the others are not accessible. They seem to only be available when I first choose the Info tab and then immediately the disappear. Weird thing is everything seemed to be working last night. I could choose messages that were in the template menu for Cosmosf… Any suggestions?

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