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  • in reply to: Issue: Transport control, FS Mode #2352

    I’m testing now under Linux: IanniX 0.8.2, Fedora-14, Kernel 2.6.35
    (I believe the following observations hold true for Win32 as well)

    @Guillaume wrote:

    I think its a question of window focus. Do you go in fullscreen mode with Ctrl+F, the toolbar or the menu? Because I suppose that if you are editing an input field in the inspector and the you press Ctrl+F, the focus is still in the input field…

    No, I’ve been using the toolbar (I’m not yet practiced enough to use the keyboard shortcuts! :–), so does that rule out focus? …Maybe not:

    I just observed that when first entering FS mode, I *do* have transport control. However, as soon as I click (I verify I’m in the canvas area of the window because I hover first to make sure my invisible mouse cursor is approximately where I’d like it), transport control is lost. No matter what I’ve tried after that moment, I cannot regain FS transport control (toggling in and out of FS mode, clicking anything and everything – selecting/deselecting objects, etc).

    Does this help?


    in reply to: 0.8.2 on OSX #2350

    Yes, curve selection in Metastasis is horrible… I know 🙂

    Maybe your horrible is my challenging :–)

    …So if two objects are at the same position, the priority is :

      1. group name

      2. object’s activity (inactive first then active)

      3. object’s type (curves, triggers then cursors)

      and finaly, random! Because I use a Hash-table, the order is not predictable.

    I can’t decide whether that’s a can of worms or a tangled web! The latter sounds more literary.

    in cases of multiple objects at the same location, are we at the point we need a pop-up with a single-select list the user can pick from? …or a magnifier that shows the nearby bits of only the colliding objects?


    in reply to: Feedback #2138


    I am running the Linux version of IanniX satisfactorily, but I imagine I need some kind of ~/.iannixrc settings file.

    I run the IanniX.sh for startup, but in order to satisfy the paths I have a created a mess of symlinks in my ~/. Could you reply with an example .rc-file or advise about a better way to configure?


    in reply to: Bugs #2139

    IanniX 0.8.2 (on Win32 and Linux, works correctly in OSX)

    Edit >> Undo

    Fails for create trigger (the trigger remains in score)

    N.B: Works for move trigger (restores trigger to previous position)


    in reply to: Bugs #2140

    IanniX 0.8.2 (on Win32 and Linux — works correctly in OSX)

    Trigger shape incorrect — displays as rectangle, as if a default shape.
    (it does correctly flash red upon firing)

    From recent run under fc14, kernel 2.6.35…

      Launch IanniX (with a score that has two triggers)

    terminal log:

    Starting IanniX Linux 0.8.2 (iannix_linux__0_8_2)
    MIDI In Found : MidiThrough:0
    MIDI Out Found : MidiThrough:0
    MIDI Out Found : RtMidiInputClient:0
    RtMidiIn::alsaMidiHandler: port connection made!
    Last update : 27/05/2011 23:41:23 (each 1 days)
    > /home/Bobby/Project
    File r200_tcl.c function r200_run_tcl_render line 567
    Rendering was 5 commands larger than predicted size. We might overflow command buffer.

      Set texture: Restore triggers original shapes

    terminal log:

    Snapshot 1
    Pushing snapshot Restoretriggersoriginalshapes
    Poping snapshot Restoretriggersoriginalshapes

    (no visible effect – still rectangles)

      Add a trigger (making three triggers)

    terminal log:

    Snapshot 2

      Set texture: Restore triggers original shapes

    terminal log:

    Snapshot 3
    QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /home/Bobby/Tools/Restore triggers original shapes.nxstyle
    Pushing snapshot Restoretriggersoriginalshapes
    Poping snapshot Restoretriggersoriginalshapes

    (no visible effect – still rectangles)

      Set texture: Restore original background

    terminal log:

    Snapshot 4
    QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /home/Bobby/Tools/Restore original background.nxstyle
    Pushing snapshot Restoreoriginalbackground
    Poping snapshot Restoreoriginalbackground


    in reply to: Making things with IanniX #2141

    any examples how to use with supercollider
    is there a special class needed?

    thank you

    in reply to: supercollider help #2373

    I’m not a SC user, but perhaps these links will help to steer you. Pdf of the author’s slide presentation:


    and this from an ambitious user:


    I think there’s been OSC support in SC for a long while now, so I’m guessing some basic classes are part of the standard distribution OSCresponderNode looks like a class for dequeuing and perhaps also parsing OSC messages.


    in reply to: supercollider help #2374

    hey thanks for your reply

    googling i’ve found this


    There are classes and examples for using iannix with supercollider
    but i’m pretty sure it’s based on an old version…
    The new public version seem to be much more straightforward and have less configurations
    I’ve been working around OSCresponderNode but was unsuccessful …

    in reply to: Startup config under Linux #2359

    Well, I really have no experience with Linux. Hope someone can give us some information about how to package apps, how to put an icon, how to deploy Linux app…

    in reply to: Issue: EDIT > UNDO fails #2365

    Ok thanks, this is patched in the next version. I will release it this week.

    in reply to: Issue: Trigger shape incorrect #2366

    Very very strange bug, because even if there were a bug with paths, error messages should appear in console. The other messages are normal. And the version is working on my Windows and Linux distrib. Do you open IanniX or try to open a file by double-clicking on it in file explorer? (because in this case, it does not work)

    in reply to: supercollider help #2375


    Thierry, our Supercollider user, will answer you, but he’s busy these following days, be patient 🙂

    in reply to: Issue: Trigger shape incorrect #2367

    Guillaume, a few minutes ago I had one of those ” I am not *really* crazy, am I ? ” – moments.

    It occurred to me I had no trigger graphic-rendering problems on 0-8-1, so I retraced my steps. It turns out this problem is system-related. I have two X86 systems active right now:

      1) ASUS motherboard: A self-built Athlon 64 X2 system dual booting WinXP32 and WinXP64

      2) Shuttle motherboard: A SFF P4 box, dual booting WinXP/sp3 and Fedora-14.

    I began testing on the ASUS (well, my very first tests were on my Macbook OSX 6), and recently began testing on the Shuttle. This trigger-rendering problem occurs on the Shuttle, but not on the ASUS, regardless of IanniX version. So, I’m going to study this and get back to you when I figure it out.

    My initial suspicion is that the ATI video card on the Shuttle does not like your trigger.png and trigger_message.png. I’ll have a look at the color palette and parameters like that. And note: the phenomenon occurs on the Shuttle under both Linux and WinXP. I wonder if the Qt KB has any info on graphics rendering issues.

    Sorry to waste your time – I should have rechecked things on the ASUS system before submitting the initial report.


    It may have something to due with alpha channel problems. If the video could not render those two pngs’ transparent regions, I might see rectangles (they do render as equilateral, and about the same bounding size as your pngs). I’ll look into this later today!

    in reply to: Feedback #2143

    A fellow from across the ocean contacted me via my website, asking me for help with IanniX, which of course I’m happy to provide. A core issue for him involves IanniX making sound, something that seems to be a widespread misperception. This may be in part a result of calling it a sequencer, which is absolutely correct IMO, but this term carries historical MIDI/synth baggage.

    A sticky note at the top of one of the forum categories to explain the app’s basic purpose might be a good idea (this fellow got my site URL off this forum, and no doubt was taken by all my wordy blather, so he was indeed here first).

    Another suggestion: A very cool means to demonstrate IanniX is the Processing example you provide in the distro (I have fun watching the comets find their way and how the cursor trajectories influence them). Suggesting running this example to prospective users might be helpful to emphasize the generic nature of OSC messages. It might be a bit difficult for some less experienced users to get Java and Processing running, so an embedded video or two in the sticky message might also be good.

    Just more blather.

    in reply to: Bugs #2144

    I’m new to IanniX, I’ve been watching the project for a while but the previous build weren’t making any sense to me. This new version is looking extremely usable. I’ve already got it sending OSC data to Pure Data, and I think I can do a lot with it. But, I’ve seem to have found a bug that messes things up pretty badly.

    I’m finding that if I create a curve and delete all of it’s cursors so there are zero cursor on it, many bad things happen. All subsequent curves are created without cursors. It is impossible to give these “zero cursor curves” cursors, and impossible to delete them. These curves will also delete each other if created too close together. The cursor button creates unattached cursor in the center of the screen.

    I’m running IanniX 8.2 in Snow Leopard.

    -Daniel Konar

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