No Sound.

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  • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago by get cheap cytotec without insurance.
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  • #2136 Reply

    I downloaded/Installed IANNIX this afternoon,and while everything on the screen seems to be fine,there’s no Sound. What could that be? 🙁

    #2354 Reply

    Hi Jason!

    Well, it is quite simple, IanniX does not make any sound 🙂

    If you want to generate sound with IanniX, you will have to interface it via OSC with others softwares like PureData, Max MSP, C-Sound or Supercollider.

    Let me know which software you usually work with 🙂

    If you have Max MSP, we provided you a patch that generate sound (/IanniX/Patches/maxmsp) which works with every exemple included with IanniX.

    #2355 Reply

    What about using the following to make Iannix sound?

    1) Mac Quicktime builtin MIDI
    2) Garageband
    3) Logic Pro

    Thanks in advance

    #2356 Reply

    Yes, open a MIDI-compatible example and open Garageband with a MIDI instrument, it should work!

    #2357 Reply

    You mean:
    1) open Garageband on a new project;
    2) create a MIDI track (that should be what Garageband defines a “software track”);
    3) leave it and launch a MIDI compatible example in Iannix.

    Is that all? Did I interepreted correctly?

    Anyway I’ll try and post the results.
    Thank you

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