MIDI sync transport feedback with IAC bus (macOS)

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  • #5595 Reply
    Wouter Snoei

    Hi, I encountered an issue with regards to the macOS functionality of creating IAC MIDI buses. I have two of these enabled by default on my system, and when I hit stop in the timeline, and then play again, Iannix sends two more stop messages over OSC after the play message. This only happens when “sync transport in” and “sync transport out” are both enabled in Config:MIDI, and the number of extra stop messages corresponds exactly with the number of IAC buses enabled on my system (I tried with a few other numbers as well). Looking at MIDI Monitor (https://www.snoize.com/MIDIMonitor/) I can see that Iannix sends a song position pointer to all MIDI buses, and since IAC buses simply bounce back everything you send to them I suspect that Iannix receives it back immediately. I think this is where the problem originates. However, it doesn’t actually stop playback, but only sends faulty “stop” OSC messages, immediately after the play message. This makes it very hard though to use the OSC messages in SuperCollider, as we can not tell if Iannix is playing or not. Perhaps it would be good to be able to block specific MIDI inputs/outputs from syncing, or maybe Iannix could automatically recognize the feedback input and respond correctly?

    #5781 Reply
    Lyda Nesmith


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