
Max->OSC->IanniX Question

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  • #3283 Reply

    Hi there –

    I’m currently trying to generate curves and cursors with Max, but finding a strange behavior after my first curve/cursor.

    Here is the process:
    /add curve auto

    Then, a numbering convention: I generate a 1 and a 2.
    The 1 is sent to /setpos and /setsmoothpoint, both of which have random values for the XYZ positions.

    /add cursor auto

    Then /setcurve is set for 2 1, in accordance with the gui helper.

    So far so good. A curve with a cursor attached.

    I begin again, generate a new curve/cursor set for 4 3, as soon as I add the cursor, though, the first cursor/curve deselects.

    Subsequent iterations, 6 5, 8 7, 10 9 – all seem to work fine..

    Any thoughts on what is happening here?

    #3284 Reply

    Hmmm, I have to test your example.

    BUT, you can simplify these ID thanks to “current” (last ID used or generated) and “lastCurve” (last curve ID used or generated) keyword.

    add curve auto
    setPos current x y z
    set………… current …………
    add cursor auto
    setCurve current lastCurve
    setSpeed current ………………


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