Issue: Transport control, FS Mode

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  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by lasix and atn.
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  • #2134 Reply

    0.8.2 on Win32 (xp-sp3):

    1) In fullscreen mode, cannot stop-start (space-bar) transport.

    2) Like in my OSX bugreport, the mouse cursor becomes invisible. However, the objects do not blink as they do on OSX, and the CPU loading does not spike.


    #2351 Reply

    1) In fullscreen mode, cannot stop-start (space-bar) transport.

    Okay, I don’t have this bug in my dev-version. I think its a question of window focus. Do you go in fullscreen mode with Ctrl+F, the toolbar or the menu? Because I suppose that if you are editing an input field in the inspector and the you press Ctrl+F, the focus is still in the input field…

    2) Like in my OSX bugreport, the mouse cursor becomes invisible. However, the objects do not blink as they do on OSX, and the CPU loading does not spike.

    Yep, in fullscreen mode, I just hide the mouse cursor 🙂 I’ll fix that!

    #2352 Reply

    I’m testing now under Linux: IanniX 0.8.2, Fedora-14, Kernel 2.6.35
    (I believe the following observations hold true for Win32 as well)

    @Guillaume wrote:

    I think its a question of window focus. Do you go in fullscreen mode with Ctrl+F, the toolbar or the menu? Because I suppose that if you are editing an input field in the inspector and the you press Ctrl+F, the focus is still in the input field…

    No, I’ve been using the toolbar (I’m not yet practiced enough to use the keyboard shortcuts! :–), so does that rule out focus? …Maybe not:

    I just observed that when first entering FS mode, I *do* have transport control. However, as soon as I click (I verify I’m in the canvas area of the window because I hover first to make sure my invisible mouse cursor is approximately where I’d like it), transport control is lost. No matter what I’ve tried after that moment, I cannot regain FS transport control (toggling in and out of FS mode, clicking anything and everything – selecting/deselecting objects, etc).

    Does this help?


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