Glitchy Playback

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years ago by Matt.
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  • #5650 Reply

    Hi there!

    First post so : congrats on a really amazing and inspiring software!

    i’m still a noob with Iannix so maybe i missed something, but :

    i have the playback going glitchy and doing “pauses” or stutters… the consequence is of course glitchy cursors etc and so at the end : the data curves i retrieve , let’s say x or y, get corrupted and show some “steps” in consequence of this tiny pause/glitch in the playback.

    I wondered if that could be a graphical or ressource thing but my computer is pretty powerful (i78600, 16go, gtx1060, win10)

    and of course i need a smooth behavior!any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    #5651 Reply

    Hi Matt,
    Can you send your score by email (or add a link to download it in this thread), it’ll be easier to detect what’s going wrong…

    #5652 Reply

    Well this does happen with just dropping a circle with a cursor. But i still can save and send something if that could help, let me know.
    Looks like the whole software is stuttering, as i can see the fps showing “4 fps” right after a drop (then goes back up). Another behavior of this bug is it makes the cursor jump and miss triggers. I hope i’m clear with my explanations ^^

    I’ll be able to try on another computer in a couple of days to see if its config related.

    #5653 Reply

    Ok! I confirm, that’s not the normal behaviour. It should run @60fps even on a tiny computer. Have a try on another computer and tell us if you have a different behaviour.

    #5660 Reply

    Just tried on a macbook pro and it runs smoothly @60fps…
    Is there a way i could give you some valuable information to track this problem on the win10 machine?
    I tried on it to go down from 4k screen resolution to 1080p, changed the behavior of the bug a bit, but still there almost the same… i tried to give Iannix higher process priority with no luck. :/


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