
Any body got max4live Windows working with this?

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  • #2189 Reply

    I cannot seem to get any response in live coming out of the max4live device, not sure it is even recieving messages. this using the instructions on the other post, since I am a total newb, I have no idea

    #2595 Reply

    @sitarman wrote:

    I cannot seem to get any response in live coming out of the max4live device, not sure it is even recieving messages. this using the instructions on the other post, since I am a total newb, I have no idea

    Which other post?

    Are you using IanniX.als and “Simple MIDI example.nxscript“?

    Are your MIDI ports named “iannix_out” (the input to M4L) and “iannix_in” (the output from M4L)?


    #2593 Reply

    No, there are no inputs with those names in my Ableton preferences. they are greayedf out in the track strip.
    I have a device that seems to be expecting OSC messages, that does not work either.

    #2594 Reply

    I have midi yoke installed and noticed that on startup Iannix states that midi in was found at midi yoke 1. How can I check the midi ports that Iannix chooses? Does midi yoke interfere with it?

    #2596 Reply

    Sorry I can’t help very much because I don’t have M4L. I only have a freebie copy of Live Lite I got bundled with an interface I bought a few years ago. Even though I cannot run M4L devices I’m a curious sort, so I loaded up Iannix’s Live-set with my copy of Live Lite 8 and this is what my channels look like:

    I see that “Iannix_out” is instantiated as the MIDI-In for both channels, so if you have M4L, I would expect it to be receiving MIDI messages from Iannix running “Simple MIDI example.nxscript“. I know for sure that score generates MIDI messages. However, unlike the example screen shots provided by Iannix, I found no way to get those ports to appear in the MIDI Preferences. I do not know why — maybe that’s a function of M4L. Hopefully one of the Live-8/M4L users will see this thread and help.

    No, MIDI Yoke should not interfere, and if I were you and I had no luck instantiating ports via those Live channels, I would experiment using Yoke as the buss. But first I’d try to get one of the M4L users here to help out because none of them mentioned using a MIDI inter-process buss like MIDI Yoke or NTONYX, so I’m guessing Ableton Live can instantiate MIDI ports via its own virtual devices.


    #2597 Reply

    I tried working with the midi yoke ports to no avail, maybe there is a max4rlive dewvice that needs to loaf for those 2 ports to be recognized. Have not madew much progress.

    #2600 Reply

    I’m wondering how you’re doing on this issue, and I see our max4live friends have not yet jumped in here. Are you aware of the Max-for-Live forum at Cycling74? I’m sure you could get an answer there. I just did a search there for “midi ports” which looks like this. So, the subject of MIDI ports does come up from time to time.


    #2598 Reply

    I’m also on Winzzoz

    like sitarman i can’t see the iannix midi port on ableton… i’ve notice the same, on startup iannix dispaly that message ” midi port one wan found in midi yoke…”

    others win users have the same problem?

    tryng to modify the udp port in m4l nothin work, max still say that port 2001 isn’t avaible…


    great software with a great license!

    greats to alla the people that collaborate in this project!

    #2599 Reply

    No luck yet. Any method of getting iannix to sende messages to Live internally woulde be great wonderful….., I just cannot get these two to see each other.

    #2601 Reply

    @sitarman wrote:

    No luck yet. Any method of getting iannix to sende messages to Live internally woulde be great wonderful….., I just cannot get these two to see each other.

    Hey. I had the same problems as you. After a lot of confusion I enlisted the help of a friend Protofuse aka Julian Bayle help get this sorted. There is a couple bugs with the system. For one It won’t work with midi yoke.

    Install loopbe:

    A more streamlined version of Iannix to midi max device (delete or rename the old one):

    In Ableton:

    The midi channel with the max device should be set MIDI from: all ins + all channels +Monitor Auto + MIDI to whatever vsti + track in

    The midi channel with your vsti should be set MIDI from: Loopbe internal MIDI + All channels + monitor in + audio to master

    The feedback channel if you use one is configured the same.

    Now open IanniX and run the the Simple Midi Example template.

    In the script editor copy and paste this over the script and click save:

    It should work now.

    #2602 Reply

    OK , I uninstalled midi yoke, installed pmidi, but iannx recognizes another virtual midi port KLmidi which I
    absolutely must have to work my kord karma software. Is there any way to browse or have iannix select a midi port manually?? This seems like it is a needed feature.

    #2603 Reply

    @sitarman wrote:

    OK , I uninstalled midi yoke, installed pmidi, but iannx recognizes another virtual midi port KLmidi which I
    absolutely must have to work my kord karma software. Is there any way to browse or have iannix select a midi port manually?? This seems like it is a needed feature.

    Yes. You would simply modify the script I posted in the MIDI line to whatever you want to use. Loobe works and it is set in the script for that. I haven’t tested with anything other then midi yoke and loopbe. Loopbe works so just use that if having issues with others. A Loopbe install won’t affect any other midi loopers/yokes and will only add an additional midi option to your system. IE: you don’t have to uninstall midi yoke or anything else.

    If you insist on using another looper/yoke then loopbe you just have to change the user script that opens with IanniX to any internal midi looper that works. I don’t know of any so do post the results of your testing with others so we know. That would be lines 31, 36 and 59 in the pastebin link I posted. Then save. That is the user script in its entirety from the Basic Midi Example template modified for Loopbe midi routing. Cheers.

    #2604 Reply

    @Zaxx: thanks man. thanks to you i’ve been able to get sound out of IanniX for the 1st time. not using Max4Live but routing MIDI into Renoise. cool!

    #2605 Reply

    @rhowaldt wrote:

    @Zaxx: thanks man. thanks to you i’ve been able to get sound out of IanniX for the 1st time. not using Max4Live but routing MIDI into Renoise. cool!

    You’re welcome rhowaldt. Happy to hear it works. =D

    #2606 Reply

    This might help : http://liine.net/livecontrol/ableton-liveapi/liveosc/

    It gives osc capabilities to live. I am about to try it.

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