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  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by braship.
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  • #2190 Reply


    I am interest by your sequenceur and the osc protocole to synchronise animation and sound.
    I ‘d like to run iannix to send osc to processing and to usine (in a single pc). It seem that only one can see messages, not both in same time.
    I know the question is more about osc than iannix, but if someone have knowledge in this erea?

    A suggestion on tranport fonctions: it would be nice to make smaller loops to isolate parts of whole motion, when only a small patern is interesting. So loopBegin, loopEnd points, and few memories. Or a way to adress the head player position, (in osc? to control that from Usine).

    Have a nice day, Cyrille.

    #2611 Reply

    If I understand you correctly, this should be no problem, so long as you can set Processing and Usine to different receive socket ports. Except: You did not say whether you must have OSC messages from the same Iannix cursor to send to both programs. I think that’s not possible with Iannix’s current features, but it is definitely possible if you had a Max or Pd patch in between to receive messages on a single port, then regenerate two separate OSC messages on different ports for Processing and Usine (assuming perfect time-synchronization is not required). If you can use separate Iannix cursors, you’re golden. Also I think you could instantiate two Iannix cursors on the same curve at the same position and assign one to transmit to Processing, and the other to transmit to Usine (a sort of jury-rigged solution to the single cursor requirement, so long as Iannix keeps them in sync).

    Example, for a single cursor…

    setmessage current 150, osc:// cursor_id cursor_value_x cursor_value_y

    …where “2001” is the port number.

    I hope that helps.


    #2612 Reply

    One more forum in ‘inglish’ for french musiciens.
    You help!
    That you say confirm things i observed. I’m not in Max and Pd, but i think it’s possible to do a relai patch in Usine to resend message in another adress. If not, double iannix objects is a solution.

    Salutations, Cyrille.

    #2613 Reply

    Sorry, Cyrille, that my suggestions are a bit of a kludge, but if it helps…good.


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