
Re: Three studies in harmony and rhythm

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I agree, it could be totally mainstream.

Sorry to further complicate the hijacking of your thread, Chris, but I believe it is time for Thierry to jump in here and make some direct comments. I’m sure he lurks, at least paternally. The burst of glory that surrounded 0.8 earlier this year motivated a wide cross section of people to jump in here and express interest — they even rolled up their sleeves to try and get it interoperating with all kinds of 3rd party software.

In other words, Iannix has real appeal to lots of people.


Ps: Speaking of KeyKit, as recently as 2oo5, Dave Phillips (who hopped into this thread a couple messages back) wrote an article on it at a time when I thought it had been long forgotten. Nice article, Dave (as usual)!

@codex99 wrote:

Actually I moved to Redmond and lived there 10 years, retiring in 1998 and moving back to Canada. I discovered Geomaestro maybe 12 years ago and was probably one of the few people in the world who really tried to use it – at least I never found any other users. It was well documented, fiendishly complex, ingenious, and had intriguing unfinished loose ends. I eventually put it aside because it was too hard to do with it what I felt could be possible with such a tool.

I resolved to someday return to the concept of a geometry based sequencer, which really hasn’t existed anywhere else to my knowledge (other than IanniX). I finally returned to the idea about 6 months ago. I plan to spend the next few years with it as my main project: to develop a powerful software tool for me to use and and that could bring the idea to the “masses” – or at least the masses creating computer based music :).

I think with the right usability tweaks and integration with mainstream applications such a tool could become much more mainstream than it has been. I’m working on it like a full time job, with my only pay being the blast I’m having working on it. It will of course be open source and the goal is to build a community around it.

– Chris

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